Virtualbox on Debian Wiki

VirtualBox is an x86 emulator developed by innotek (bought by Sun/Oracle) comparable to VMware. A version called VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

It is a relatively new program and still has some minor issues, but generally is reliable, stable and above all, very fast. It has been used successfully for installation tests with Debian Installer.

Install the relevant linux-headers and virtualbox-ose packages:
# aptitude install linux-headers-2.6-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') virtualbox-ose

This will also install virtualbox-ose-dkms and other recommended packages. DKMS will build the VirtualBox OSE modules for your system.

VirtualBox OSE can now be started.

To not load the VirtualBox OSE modules at system startup, edit /etc/default/virtualbox-ose and set LOAD_VBOXDRV_MODULE to 0.

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PHPVirtualbox on Virtualbox

Unlike VMWare, VirtualBox guests are not global; they are owned by the user that creates them. Therefore, it is important to create a user account explicitly for this purpose. Create this user account BEFORE installing VirtualBox. Install VirtualBox from this account and perform all VirtualBox operations from this account. For the rest of this document, we will use the account "vboxuser".

Now install VirtualBox under the account that you created. The rest of this HowTo was done on the regular edition, not the OSE edition, so there may be minor differences.


VirtualBox does not provide a Web interface like VMWare. But the Google Code project phpVirtualBox works quite well for most tasks. On Ubuntu:

Copy phpvirtualbox to /var/www/vboxweb

sudo update-rc.d vboxweb-service defaults

create /etc/default/virtualbox

VBOXWEB_USER=vbox_user_name (the user name you use when you installed VirtualBox)

Modify /var/www/vboxweb/config.php to use the account that you created for VirtualBox.

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Clone Virtualbox Guest in Linux

First off make sure your Guest virtual machine is shut down and not running or suspended and then run:
$ VBoxManage clonevdi source.vdi target.vdi

This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your VM
Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.2.8
(C) 2005-2010 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.
Clone hard disk created in format 'VDI'. UUID: c18b8549-33ab-41a1-8d66-25f884fef86a

Now that you have cloned your disk image, you need to create another VM. Duplicate the exact setup you had with the previous VM, making sure to create the same network adapters, shared folders, memory limits, etc.

The final step is to attach the cloned vdi to your new VM and start it.

Common Issues:

– VirtualBox will create new random MAC addresses for network adapters. This may or may not cause a problem. If it does you will have to reconfigure the device within the cloned VM if you want to use the old and cloned VM simultaneously, otherwise you can change the MAC address to be the same as the original.

– You may want to change the hostname as well as the IP address if it is statically allocated. Again if you are not running multiple machines simultaneously this may not be a problem for you.




The purpose of Technical Solution (TS) is to design, develop, and implement solutions to requirements. Solutions, designs, and implementations encompass products, product components, and product-related lifecycle processes either singly or in combination as appropriate.

Introductory Notes

The Technical Solution process area is applicable at any level of the product architecture and to every product, product component, and product-related lifecycle process. Throughout the process areas, where we use the terms product and product component, their intended meanings also encompass services and their components.

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Configure openfiler iscsi with vmware

Once you have OpenFiler installed you can then access a web based management console which allows you to configure your new OpenFiler installation. 

Opening a web browser and pointing it to the IP address (ie: https://<IP of OpenFiler>:446> of the OpenFiler server you should be presented with a logon screen like that below (love the fat Linux penguin). 

How to configure OpenFiler v2.3 iSCSI Storage for use with VMware ESX

At the prompt enter ‘openfiler’ for the ‘Username’ and ‘password’ for the password.  These details can be changed once you’ve successfully logged onto the management portal along with the ability to create additional accounts and groups.


Step 1 – Network Access Configuration:

The first thing to do is set up the ‘Network Access Configuration’.  This is the host or subnet (depending on how granular you want the access to be) you wish to provide access from.  Select the ‘System’ tab and from the ‘Network Access Configuration’ section at the bottom of the page enter in either the IP from which you wish to access the OpenFiler  from or enter in a whole subnet from which the Open filer will accept traffic from.

As I am running a secure lab environment I am just going to enter in the whole subnet for ease.  You may want to be a little more granular if using this in a production or non-secure environment. 

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Installing VirtualBox From Precompiled Binaries

First, we install the packages gdeb, gedbi, and gdebi-core. Open the Synaptic Package Manager (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager):

You can use the search function to find the three packages. Select them for installation and click on Apply. Close Synaptic after the packages have been installed:

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Linux Gnome Force Quit alternate to crl+alt+del

The Force Quit button allows you to click on a window to force an application to quit. This button is useful if you want to terminate an application that does not respond to your commands, if the application has frozen or crashed, for example.

To add a Force Quit button to a panel, right-click on any vacant space on the panel. Choose Add to Panel, then choose Force Quit from the Add to Panel dialog.

To terminate an application, click on the Force Quit button, then click on a window from the application that you want to terminate. If you do not want to terminate an application after you have clicked on the Force Quit button, press Esc.


Install Server Certificate for IIS 6 or 5

The following document is partly based on this Microsoft document: How to Import a Server Certificate for Use in Internet Information Services 5.0 (Q232137)

  1. Add Certificates snap-in to MMC
    1. Click Start, and then click Run.
    2. Type "MMC.EXE" (without the quotation marks) and click OK.
    3. Click Console in the new MMC you created, and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
    4. In the new window, click Add.
    5. Highlight the Certificates snap-in, and then click Add.
    6. Choose the Computer account option and click Next.
    7. Select Local Computer on the next screen, and then click Finish.
    8. Click Close, and then click OK.
    9. You have now added the Certificates snap-in, which will allow you to work with any certificates in your computer's certificate store. You may want to save this MMC for later use.

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VirtualBox Remote

VBoxRemote is an open source web interface to VirtualBox.


  • Remote management and aggregation of multiple VirtualBox servers.
  • Enterprise access control features.
  • VirtualBox server clustering and live migration.
  • Easily configure and provision VirtualBox Servers.
  • Quick and easy web based creation and configuration of Virtual Machines.
  • Platform independence. (VirtualBox + Web based access)
  • Transparent integration of VirtualBox instances running different host OS's.
  • User and group account creation and management.
  • Permissions and access controls.
  • Full administrative capabilities and configuration.
  • Web GUI based access to advanced VirtualBox Enterprise features (iscsi, teleportation)
  • Remote VM display capabilities via Flash or native RDP clients.
  • Lightweight design. (choose a webserver and deploy)


  • Intended as a complementary tool to VBoxRemote.
  • Provides a nice GUI interface with direct mappings to the same functionality as the VirtualBox VBoxManage tool.
  • Targeted for administrators or intermediate to advanced VirtualBox users who would like to have a nice GUI form of the VirtualBox VBoxManage tool and it's extensive functionality.
  • Provides GUI access to advanced VirtualBox functionality.
  • Designed for controlling remote VirtualBox servers.


  • Google Web Toolkit
  • Java
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox
  • VirtualBox web API (vboxwebsrv)
  • VirtualBox RDP Web Control (Flash based RDP client)



Start a Virtualbox VM as a service

This program requires VirtualBox 3 (not the OSE version) for Windows. At the moment the program is being rewritten to support VirtualBox 4.

Requirements to compile this project:

.NET 4

Download latest version BETA2 version version version


