Server Monitoring with Munin and Monit on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Our system’s hostname is, and we have a website on it with the document root/var/www/

The following steps have to be performed as root user. To become root user on your server, run this command:

sudo su

Ensure that the system is up to date before you start to install Munin, run:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Apache is used to show the Munin pages, the apache fcgid module is required for the Munin graph zoom feature. I will install apache and the libapache2-mod-fcgid module with apt.

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Setting up the mysql_ Plugin in Munin

After spending a few days trying to get the mysql_ plugin working in my munin installation, I’ve decided to write up the process. It include some pointers about troubleshooting and diagnosing problems with the plugin.

Once you have munin and mysql working:

# Save this to /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/mysql_
env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:mysql;host=;port=3306
env.mysqluser munin
env.mysqlpassword 5uperS3cr3tPassw0rd

You may need to install some perl dependencies:

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Munin adding up new eth interface

root@pluto:/usr/share/munin/plugins# ./if_ suggest


munin-node-configure –shell creates symlink commands to link useful plugins from the plugin library to the plugin service directory (usually /etc/munin/plugins).

To continue the if_ example:
root@pluto:/usr/share/munin/plugins# munin-node-configure –shell
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/if_ /etc/munin/plugins/if_ath0
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/if_ /etc/munin/plugins/if_eth0


Munin to monitor mysql on Debian 6

First we need to install some Mysql-Munin perl libraries:

apt-get install libipc-sharelite-perl

Also some Perl stuff will be needed:

perl -MCPAN -eshell
install IPC::ShareLite

Next let’s activate Munin Mysql plugin:

Assuming you have already installed both munin & mysql

ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_* /etc/munin/plugins

Restart both Apache & Munin:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
/etc/init.d/munin-node restart
su munin -c /usr/bin/munin-cron



Install Munin on CentOS 5

1 Preliminary Note
Our system's hostname is, and we have a web site on it with the document root /var/www/

2 Enable The RPMforge Repository
On CentOS 5.2, munin and monit are not available in the default CentOS repositories. Fortunately we can install them from the RPMforge repository. To enable the RPMforge repository, we run

rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

rm -f rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

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Enabling munin node plug-ins on Debian

Munin uses plug-ins to determine what data is gathered and reported. It includes several plug-ins for the types of data most people would be interested in, but not all of those plug-ins are enabled on a fresh installation.
What are plug-ins?

When a munin node gathers data about a slice so it can be graphed, the node reads instructions from files called "plug-ins" to determine what information to collect. Several plug-ins are installed with munin but not all of them are used by default. Fortunately a munin node installation includes a command that lets you see what plug-ins are active and can help you decide which others to enable.

The munin-node-configure command

The "munin-node-configure" command can list the status of installed munin plug-ins, suggest which to enable, and provide a shell script that will automate enabling the appropriate plug-ins. Using this command isn't the only way to perform these tasks, but it's convenient and easy to use. Easy is good.

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Munin Memcached Installation

Download memcache plugin memcached.tar.gz the plug-in was found here:

The alternate download link is Here- memcached.tar

The plug-in is written in Perl and needs the Memcached Perl library installed to communicate with memcache.

~$ apt-get install libcache-memcached-perl
~$ tar -zxvf memcached.tar.gz
~$ cp memcached_ /usr/share/munin/plugins
~$ ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_ /etc/munin/plugins/memcached_rates
~$ ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_ /etc/munin/plugins/memcached_bytes
~$ ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_ /etc/munin/plugins/memcached_counters
~$ /etc/init.d/munin-node restart


