Install Virtualbox 5.2/6.1 on Ubuntu 16 headless mode

Install Prerequisites

Before installing VirtualBox 5.2/6.1, please install these packages below if your systems don’t already have them installed….

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms

Add VirtualBox Repository

If you want to always get the latest versions of VirtualBox when they become available, you’ll want to add its software repository to Ubuntu…

Run the commands below to add the repository key to your system…

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

After adding the repository key above, run the commands below to add VirtualBox package repository.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) contrib"

After that, run the commands below to update Ubuntu repositories.

Installing VirtualBox

At this point, the Ubuntu system should be ready to install the latest version of VirtualBox. First you may want to remove the previous 6.0 version if you’re still running it… to do that, run the commands below:

sudo apt remove virtualbox virtualbox-6.1

Finally, run the commands below to install the latest 6.1 (major) version of the software.

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Reset user password of Discourse

Discourse is an excellent platform- super fast, super organized and super fresh looking. It has quite standarized and additional security options in the application UI. However, found a freat issue of updating any user of this platform as Admin (I was havign difficulties of self user password reset options, as the mail gateway was somewhat not working). 

So here goes the trick-

ssh into your server

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
 rails c 
u = User.find_by_email('') 
ctrl+d to exit

How to remove Virtualbox extpack

The following commands show examples how to list extension packs and remove one:

$ VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 1
Pack no. 0: Oracle Virtual Machine VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version: 4.1.12
Revision: 77218
Description: USB 2.0 Host Controller, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM with E1000 support.
Usable: true
Why unusable:

Now Remove or Uninstall extpack as following:

$ VBoxManage extpack uninstall "Oracle Virtual Machine VirtualBox Extension Pack"
Successfully uninstalled "Oracle Virtual Machine VirtualBox Extension Pack".

Install webmin on Centos 7 using Yum

Create and open this new file using your text editor:

sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

Then add these lines to the file to define the new repository:

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Save the file and exit the editor.

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Install LAMP with PHP-FPM on Ubuntu 20

Step 1 – Installing Apache

Apache web server debian packages are available under the default repositories. Login to your Ubuntu system with sudo privileges account. Open a terminal and execute the following commands:

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-fcgid

The above commands will install Apache and FastCGI module to your server.

Step 2 – Install PHP with FPM

Next, install PHP and PHP-FPM on your Ubuntu system. For this tutorial, we choose PHP 7.4 to install using

For the PHP installation we recommend to use ppa:ondrej/php PPA. Execute below couple of commands to add the PPA to your system.

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Then install PHP 7.4 (or required version) the latest version available on the day of writing this tutorial. Simply execute follows commands for the installation of PHP and PHP-FPM packages.

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Upgrade Python 2.7 to 3.6 and installing pip on CentOS 7

Installing Development Tools

Development tools are required for building Python modules. To install the necessary tools and libraries type:

sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

Enable Software Collections (SCL)

Software Collections , also known as SCL is a community project that allows you to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system default packages. By enabling SCL you will gain access to the newer versions of programming languages and services which are not available in the core repositories.

CentOS 7 ships with Python 2.7.5 which is a critical part of the CentOS base system. SCL allows you to install newer versions of python 3.x alongside the default python v2.7.5 so that system tools such as yum will continue to work properly.

To enable SCL, you need to install the CentOS SCL release file. It is part of the CentOS extras repository and can be installed by running the following command:

sudo yum install centos-release-scl

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Install wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 on Centos 7

Install Dependencies

yum install fontconfig libXext freetype libpng zlib libjpeg-turbo libpng libjpeg openssl icu libX11 libXext libXrender xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi

Install wkhtmltopdf

sudo yum install -y


wkhtmltopdf google.pdf


Configure DomainKeys- DKIM (OpenDKIM) with Postfix on CentOS 7

OpenDKIM is method to digitally sign & verify emails on the mail servers using public & private keys. In other words opendkim implements the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) standard for signing and verifying email messages on a per-domain basis. DomainKeys are implemented to reduce the chances of outgoing mails to be marked as SPAM.

In this post we will demonstrate how to install & configure DomainKeys with postfix (MTA) on CentOS 7, i am assuming Postfix is already installed with following domain and hostname.

Hostname =
Domain =

Step:1 Set EPEL Repository using below rpm command

OpenDKIM package is not available in the default yum repositories but available in CentOS 7 EPEL repositories

[root@mail5 ~]# rpm -Uvh

Step:2 Install OpenDKIM Package using yum

[root@mail5 ~]# yum install -y opendkim

Step:3 Run below Command to create keys

Execute the below command to create public & private keys under folder “/etc/opendkim/keys”

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