Install Mydumper Myloader on Centos 7

If you want to execute logical backups using an alternative to mysqldump that works with parallel threads giving faster execution times mydumper is the correct tool.


In order to use mydumper and myloader you can use the following sample commands:

For dumping/exporting database:

mydumper -u <username> -p <password> -B <database name> -d /path/to/dump

For importing database (for percona or master-master replication):

myloader -u <username> -p <password> -B <database name> -d /dump/path --enable-binlog

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Installing Transmission Torrent Client on Debian

Install transmission

sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common transmission-daemon


There are many settings which can be configured. This how-to focus on tweaking the default configuration file for use with Debian/Ubuntu server. transmission-daemon will start automatically each time you start your server, with the settings defined in /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json

Make sure the Transmission daemon is not running when changing the config file otherwise your changes will be over written.

sudo service transmission-daemon stop
edit /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json
sudo nano /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json

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Install WHMCS on CentOS 7

As you may know, WHMCS is the leading web hosting management and billing software that automates all aspects of your business from billing, provisioning, domain reselling and etc. In this article, we are going to install WHMCS 7.7.1 on CentOS 7.6.

We assume you have a valid WHMCS license and have downloaded its package from WHMCS download area.

Here are our environment OS and software versions:

  • OS: Centos 7.6 on VMware
  • WHMCS: 7.7.1
  • PHP: 7.2
  • Database: Mariadb 10.3
  • Web server: httpd 2.4

Here we start from a fresh minimal CentOS 7.6 installation.

1- Initial CentOS setup
Set correct time and date. here we use “Asia/Dhaka”:

# timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York

Change default root password:

# passwd

Set SELinux to permissive mode by editing /etc/selinux/config:

# vim /etc/selinux/config

Also to apply it immediately run:

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Observium Unix Agent

All Agent data is pulled in one TCP connection during the unix-agent module. The module populates an $agent_data array which can be used by other modules. For example:

$agent_data = 
['app'] => 
['apache'] => 
... DATA ...
['bind'] =>
... DATA ...
['other'] =>
... DATA ...

The preferred method of running the Unix agent is via xinetd, preferably with an iptables firewall only allowing access from the monitoring server(s). Make sure this package is installed.

sudo apt-get install xinetd

Observium provides an example xinetd configuration file. Copy this from Observium to the server that will be running the agent.

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Install PHP 7 on CentOS 7

Enabling Remi repository

PHP 7.x packages are available in several different repositories. We’ll use the Remi repository which provides newer versions of various software packages including PHP.

The Remi repository depends on the EPEL repository. Run the following commands to enable both EPEL and Remi repositories:

sudo yum install epel-release yum-utils
sudo yum install

Yum may prompt you to import the repository GPG key. Type y and hit Enter.

In the following sections, we will be covering how to install PHP 7.x by enabling the appropriate Remi repository. If you already have PHP 5.4 installed on your system yum will update the PHP packages.

Installing PHP 7.3 on CentOS 7

PHP 7.3 is the latest stable release of PHP. Most modern PHP frameworks and applications including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Laravel are fully supporting PHP 7.3.

Perform the steps below to install PHP 7.3 on CentOS 7.

Start by enabling the PHP 7.3 Remi repository:

sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73

Install PHP 7.3 and some of the most common PHP modules:

sudo yum install php php-common php-opcache php-mcrypt php-cli php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd

Verify the PHP installation, by typing the following command which will print the PHP version:

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Configuring SpamAssassin for Postfix on CentOS

In the process of receiving email, spamassassin will stand between the outside world and the email services running on your server itself. If it finds, according to its definition rules and configuration, that an incoming message is spam, it will rewrite the subject line to clearly identify it as such. Let’s see how.

The main configuration file is /etc/mail/spamassassin/, and we should make sure the following options are available (add them if they are not present or uncomment if necessary):
report_safe 0
required_score 8.0
rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

When report_safe is set to 0 (recommended value), incoming spam is only modified by modifying the email headers as per rewrite_header. If it is set to 1, the message will be deleted. To set the aggressivity of the spam filter, required_score must be followed by an integer or decimal number. The lesser the number, the more sensitive the filter becomes. Setting required_score to a value somewhere between 8.0 and 10.0 is recommended for a large system serving many (~100s) email accounts. Once you’ve saved those changes, enable and start the spam filter service, and then update the spam rules:

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Install ClamAV on CentOS 6

Step 1. First add yum repository your system.

The EPEL repo is enabled by simply installing an RPM. Please use the command below to install the EPEL repository on your CentOS server.

#CentOS 6 – 32-bit

rpm -Uvh

#CentOS 6 – 64-bit

rpm -Uvh

Step 2. Install required ClamAV packages.

yum install clamav clamd

Step 3. Start the clamd service on system boot.

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Install Streama Media Server on Ubuntu 18

Update OS Package:

sudo su
apt-get upgrade
apt-get update

Install OpenJDK:

apt install openjdk-8-jre
mkdir /data
mkdir /data/streama
touch /data/streama/

Add User and change user permission:

# new linux user
sudo adduser streama # add password to
sudo usermod -aG sudo streama
sudo chown streama:streama /data/streama/ -R

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