How to copy files using no owncloud web interface Rumi, July 22, 2019July 22, 2019 Migrating was instant since we’re moving on the local fs. Checking the above screenshot you can see the rights are still the same of course. Own the folders to the ownCloud user and change the permissions to octal 755: # Recursively own the folder to www-data sudo chown -R www-data:www-data… Continue Reading
Increasing Attachment Size in Posfix Rumi, July 19, 2019 Postfix by default restrict attachment size to approx 10MB i.e. 10240000 bytes. You can check it using following command: postconf | grep message_size_limit To change attachment-size to say 50 MB, run a command like: postconf -e message_size_limit=52428800 Note: If you are running a mail-server with SMTP/IMAP access, you need to change… Continue Reading
Install Poppassd in CentOS 7 Rumi, July 19, 2019November 15, 2019 Steps for configuration change password plugin for squirrelmail/Horde/Rainloop using poppassd are: Download poppassd.c from Look at poppassd.c and make sure it looks safe yum -y install gcc gcc poppassd.c -o poppassd -lcrypt mv poppassd /usr/local/bin/ yum -y install xinetd cp /etc/xinetd.d/time-stream /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd nano /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd Update “service time” to “service… Continue Reading
DNS Slave Using Virtualmin Rumi, July 19, 2019 DNS Slave Auto-Configuration Quickstart A quick guide to assist administrators who want to use Virtualmin’s automatic DNS slave configuration features. This allows for DNS server redundancy. Introduction Virtualmin can automatically manage any number of DNS slave servers for you. Once configured, it will create slave zones on other servers and… Continue Reading
Reset Ubuntu 12 root password Rumi, July 19, 2019 Boot up the machine, and after the BIOS screen, hold down the left Shift key. You will then be prompted by a menu that looks something like this: Hit the down arrow until you select the 2nd entry from the top (the one with the recovery mode in the description)… Continue Reading
Force reboot of a remote Linux machine Rumi, June 6, 2019 To force the kernel to reboot the system we will be making use of the magic SysRq key. The magic_SysRq_key provides a means to send low level instructions directly to the kernel via the /proc virtual file system. To enable the use of the magic SysRq option type the following… Continue Reading
Add a Static Route on CentOS Rumi, May 30, 2019 To add a temporary route: ip route add via dev eth0 To make it persist system or network settings restart, create a route-ifname file for an interface through which the subnet is accessed, in this case eth0: nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 Add the line with the network settings for the other subnet:… Continue Reading
Set Hostname in Centos 7 Rumi, May 11, 2019 CentOS 7 only allows Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN’s). Acceptable values include lower-case letters a to z, numbers 0 to 9, the period, and the hyphen, and between 2 and 63 characters. At the console, type: hostnamectl set-hostname NOTE: Replace with your chosen hostname. Check the Hostname hostnamectl Continue Reading
SOLVED Zimbra 8.6 HTTP ERROR 404 Problem accessing /public/error.jsp. Reason: /public/error.jsp Rumi, May 10, 2019 Do a quick search under the usual jetty folders: find /opt/zimbra/jetty/ -type f -name *jsp -mtime -30 If you find files like: /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/js/zimbra/csfe/XZimbra.jsp /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/public/Ajax.jsp you’re actually hacked. Unlike the previous “zmcat” and “dblaunchs” that actually exploit the vuln and load some sh*t this looks like a bad childish attack. It… Continue Reading
SOLVED Debian Wheezy Letsencrypt error /opt/ No module named pip.__main__; ‘pip’ is a package and cannot be directly executed Rumi, May 10, 2019 My case and solution: Debian 7.11 wheezy python2.7 python-pip NOT installed My steps: #ln -fs /usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/python2.7/ #wget #chmod +x ./certbot-auto #certbot-auto renew –no-self-upgrade it download some files and works fine. Src: Continue Reading