Windows 7/10 auto login and locking tricks Rumi, February 9, 2019 Setup auto-login Open Start menu/Search Search for and open regedit Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Window NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon Create or edit DefaultUserName (string) and set it to your username to run plex under Create or edit DefaultPassword (string) and set it to the password for the default user Create or edit AutoAdminLogon (string) and… Continue Reading
Upgrade PHP version to 7.2 from 7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 Rumi, February 9, 2019 Check your PHP version installed Before we start, we can simply type the following command to check the existing PHP version installed on the server. $ php -v If you installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, you will get PHP 7.0.30 installed on your server by running installation script from VestaCP. In… Continue Reading
Install MariaDB on CentOS 7 Rumi, February 9, 2019 MariaDB is an open source relational database management system, backward compatible, binary drop-in replacement of MySQL. It is developed by some of the original developers of the MySQL and by many people in the community. With the release of CentOS 7, MySQL was replaced with MariaDB as the default database… Continue Reading
Install and setup Plex Media Server Ubuntu 16.04 Rumi, January 28, 2019 Plex is a free feature-rich media library platform that provides a way to store all your movies, shows, and other media in one place. You can access Plex from any device, whether you’re at home or on-the-go. There are many different media tools available in the world like, Kodi, Xmbc,… Continue Reading
Vesta- How to set up master-slave DNS cluster Rumi, January 28, 2019January 28, 2019 If you are looking for the options to avoid any DNS-related downtime or the way to manage dns across all server you have, you might consider to set up dns cluster. Create user dns-cluster on a server which will be used as dns slave On the second server (slave) with… Continue Reading
Install Vesta Control Panel (vestacp) on Centos 7 with PHP-FPM and PHP 7.2 Rumi, January 28, 2019 I had few issues on my container and KVM on installing vestacp. Issues were like quite weird, such as- Post installation on KVM- it moved into emergency maintenance mode Post installation on LXC container- DNS resolution halted After hours and hours of search, found few root causes- I have to… Continue Reading
SPF, DKIM, DMARC – Sample and perfect record values Rumi, January 27, 2019 Sharing some sample record value of the post subject for future reference: SPF: IN TXT “v=spf1 a mx ip4: ?all” DKIM: IN TXT “v=DKIM1; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDIaJcNDjvJ6LJ/zyZCIOuaQiLMSC+FBfky8JMFE7LUGlP4LXwmpaKO3Z67x+PVXgYbbFU9nzLaFOfIXTbsCh6LYLBgQF+PNghbTAchQ59IEMrMRsTPCCg95+gKYRupN0B96Uz7rrXifZL8T+yl9MkpIlAsXXs7e8Vhzwa94NdVjQIDAQAB” DMARC: 3600 IN TXT “v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=quarantine;;; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400” DMARC Generator: Continue Reading
Enable DNSBL or RBL on Zimbra Rumi, January 26, 2019 DNS-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) or Real-time Blackhole List (RBL) is an effort to fight spam emails. It is a blacklist of source IP addresses that have a reputation of sending spam emails. Most email systems can be configured to check these lists and block or flag emails that were sent… Continue Reading
SSH Tunnel on PuTTY Rumi, January 5, 2019 Most of you have probably used a tunnel with an SSH connection. What you probably weren’t aware of is that you can use a dynamic tunnel to access all remote infrastructure. Furthermore, you can specify a port and a destination IP to have direct access. This process is achieved through… Continue Reading
ZImbra troubleshooting incoming mail problems Rumi, January 3, 2019 Problem If you’re having trouble receiving mail from outside, you need to find out where the message is failing. When sending your test message, check the Log Files, especially /var/log/zimbra.log, on your MTA server. It’s often helpful to tail the logfile as you send the message: tail -f /var/log/zimbra.log If… Continue Reading