LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04 using Tasksel Rumi, May 12, 2018 Quick Install Using Tasksel Instead of installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP separately, tasksel offers a convenient way to get a LAMP stack running quickly. Install tasksel if not already installed by default. sudo apt install tasksel Use tasksel to install the LAMP stack. sudo tasksel install lamp-server Enter the prompt… Continue Reading
Mail Sync between 2 mailservers using Imapsync Rumi, May 12, 2018May 12, 2018 Imapsync is an IMAP transfer tool used for copying emails from one IMAP server to another IMAP server. This article will help you to install imapsync on Ubuntu, Debian, and LinuxMint systems and transfer all your Mailboxes and emails between two IMAP servers. Step 1 – Install Imapsync Imapsync package… Continue Reading
Send Email from Linux Terminal Rumi, May 12, 2018 1. Using ‘sendmail’ Command Sendmail is a most popular SMTP server used in most of Linux/Unix distribution. Sendmail allows sending email from command line. Use below instructions to send email using ‘sendmail‘ command. Create a file using following content. [root@tecadmin ~]# nano /tmp/email.txt Subject: Terminal Email Send Email Content line… Continue Reading
Clear RAM Memory Cache, Buffer and Swap Space on Linux Rumi, May 9, 2018July 14, 2020 Clear PageCache only # sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Clear dentries and inodes # sync; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Clear PageCache, dentries and inodes # sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Continue Reading
Add a New Disk in Linux- Partition and Format Rumi, May 9, 2018 Partition the new disk using fdisk command Following command will list all detected hard disks: # fdisk -l | grep ‘^Disk’ Output: Disk /dev/sda: 251.0 GB, 251000193024 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 251.0 GB, 251000193024 bytes A device name refers to the entire hard disk. For more information see Linux partition naming… Continue Reading
Perfect FTP Server for Debian or Ubuntu Rumi, May 9, 2018 This installation was performed on a Ubuntu 14.04 distribution system. While there are a variety of FTP server tools available for Linux, one of the most popular and mature options is vsftpd. Begin by SSHing into your server as root and use the apt-get command to install vsftpd: apt-get update… Continue Reading
Linux Router- No NAT Rumi, May 7, 2018 I assume you have one public IP address for your WAN side, and a block for the LAN side, something like this: ISP—–ROUTER ETH0/ROUTER ETH1——SWITCH——PCs You NEED to have a public IP address for the WAN interface, ISP will route the subnet they have given you through this IP address…. Continue Reading
PHP Session test Script Rumi, May 6, 2018May 6, 2018 I’ve just found a quality script to test php session- unless you’re in dark after some php.ini session tweaking done. To check if sessions really work you can use this code: <?php // Start Session session_start(); // Show banner echo ‘<b>Session Support Checker</b><hr />’; // Check if the page has… Continue Reading
Install Proxmox VE on Debian 9 – Stretch Rumi, May 5, 2018June 2, 2018 The installation of a supported Proxmox VE server should be done via Bare-metal_ISO_Installer. In some case it makes sense to install Proxmox VE on top of a running Debian Stretch 64-bit, especially if you want a custom partition layout. For this HowTO the following Debian Stretch ISO was used: Install a… Continue Reading
Upload Directory Tree To Remote FTP Server Recursively using NCFTP Rumi, May 5, 2018 Install ncftp client Type the following apt-get command under Debian / Ubuntu Linux to install ncftp client, run: $ sudo apt-get install ncftp If you are RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux user, type the following yum command to install ncftp client (first turn on EPEL repo): # yum install ncftp Syntax and examples:… Continue Reading