Librenms Tidbits Rumi, March 17, 2018 To identify and see what’s wrong with the NMS, run and check the problem by issuing- ./validate.php If RRD files not being updated in rrd folder, check- ./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -d -f -m os Reset LibreNMS by dropping database- DROP DATABASE `librenms`; CREATE DATABASE `librenms`; php build-base.php Admin password reset… Continue Reading
Install Librenms on Ubuntu 16.04 Rumi, March 17, 2018September 4, 2018 The first step we must do for installing LibreNMS Monitoring Tools is to install some packages needed on the server. Connect to your server and update the repository. ssh root@hakase-labs-server sudo apt update Install all the required packages for LibreNMS from the Ubuntu repository using the following command. apt-get install fping imagemagick… Continue Reading
Install Varnish on Debian 8 Rumi, March 12, 2018March 12, 2018 We are going to install the latest version of varnish which is 5.2 at the time of writing. In order to install the latest version, we have to download the source and compile it. You have to install some dependencies to compile the Varnish: apt-get install make automake autotools-dev libedit-dev libjemalloc-dev… Continue Reading
Apache Virtual Hosts on Debian 8 Rumi, March 9, 2018 Step 1 — Creating the Directory Structure The first step that we are going to take is to make a directory structure that will hold the site data that we will be serving to visitors. Our document root, the top-level directory that Apache looks at to find content to serve,… Continue Reading
Build NFS Server on CentOS 7 Rumi, March 9, 2018 As the first step, we will install these packages on the CentOS server with yum: yum install nfs-utils Now create the directory that will be shared by NFS: mkdir /var/nfsshare Change the permissions of the folder as follows: chmod -R 755 /var/nfsshare chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/nfsshare We use /var/nfsshare as shared folder, if we… Continue Reading
Install webmin in Centos 7 Rumi, March 9, 2018 Step 1 — Installing Webmin First, we need to add the Webmin repository so that we can easily install and update Webmin using our package manager. We do this by adding a new file called /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo that contains information about the new repository. Create and open this new file using… Continue Reading
Postfix start error on CentOS Rumi, March 7, 2018 When I tried to start postfix today, I got the following message: fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for Solution is straightforward: nano /etc/postfix/ comment out “inet_interfaces = all” add “inet_protocol = ipv4” Continue Reading
Allow large attachment (greater than 10MB) in ISPConfig postfix MTA Rumi, March 4, 2018 Just a small hack, but worked good on my ISPConfig 3 setup. Add the following: nano /etc/postfix/ mailbox_size_limit = 104857600 Save and restart postfix service. According to official postfix documentation: message_size_limit (default: 10240000) The maximal size in bytes of a message, including envelope information. Note: be careful when making changes…. Continue Reading
Test your DNS using Dig, Nmap, Tcpdump Rumi, March 3, 2018March 3, 2018 For DNS resolution to succeed to, the DNS server at will need to accept TCP and UDP traffic over port 53 from our server. A port scanner such as the nmap tool can be used to confirm if the DNS server is available on port 53 as shown… Continue Reading
Webmin installation on Centos Rumi, January 15, 2018 Installing the RPM If you are using the RPM version of Webmin, first download the file from the downloads page, or run the command : wget then install optional dependencies with : yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty perl-Encode-Detect and then run the command : rpm -U webmin-1.870-1.noarch.rpm Continue Reading