Fixing Bind for Webmin Rumi, October 5, 2014 First get rid of bind-chroot (if it is installed!) yum -y remove bind-chroot edit /etc/sysconfig/named and remove/comment out any lines that look like ROOTDIR="/var/named/chroot" Fix the owner of /etc/named.conf with chown named:named /etc/named.conf In Webmin go to Servers > Bind DNS Server > Module Config and check the following configs Continue Reading
Bash Shellshock fix with scripts for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and other distros. including old Rumi, October 3, 2014December 19, 2014 First check if your Bash is vulnerable, execute the following command- env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c ‘echo this is a test’ If your system is vulnerable, you will see: vulnerable this is a test If your system is not vulnerable, you will see: bash: warning: x: ignoring… Continue Reading
PHPSysinfo Installation and Configuration on Debain Rumi, September 26, 2014September 26, 2014 PhpSysInfo is an awesome PHP script that displays system and other monitoring information for Linux. phpSysInfo pulls data from /proc and other locations to display on an easy to read page. On Ubuntu or Debian, install phpsysinfo with: $ sudo apt-get install phpsysinfo The config file is then located in:… Continue Reading
Install PHP4 on CentOS 5.5 Rumi, September 6, 2014 1. Install Apache yum install httpd 2. Install Mysql yum install mysql mysql-server php-mysql 3. Install dependencies yum install flex gcc* bison bison-devel httpd-devel make 4. Download PHP4 cource wget Continue Reading
Boot CentOS 5/6 as Single User Mode Rumi, August 3, 2014 Step 1 – Boot CentOS into Single User Mode – Hit Any Key Boot CentOS in Single User Mode – Press Any Key to Edit Boot Options Power up the machine and when you see this screen, hit the space bar or any other key before the timeout. Step 2… Continue Reading
CentOS mount NFS Disk Rumi, July 24, 2014 First Enable EPEL Repo under CentOS or RHEL Servers You need to type the following command as per your distro version / release. RHEL 5.x / CentOS 5.x Users Type the following command as root user to install repo: # rpm -Uvh RHEL 6.x / CentOS 6.x Users Type… Continue Reading
Book Review: Learning Nagios 4 by Wojciech Kocjan Rumi, July 7, 2014July 7, 2014 Learning Nagios 4: Learn how to setup Nagios 4 in order to monitor your systems efficiently, Author- Wojciech Kocjan. Nagios- it is the most effective monitoring tool that actually helps to identify and resolve critical IT infra before they affect critical service operations. Above all, it is an open… Continue Reading
Reinstall OpenSSH Server Rumi, June 21, 2014 First if you have any pre-installed SSH server that has gone bad, remove it- on Redhat Architechture Type the following commands as the root user: # chkconfig sshd off # service sshd stop # yum erase openssh-server You need to edit and update firewall rules that allows inbound connections to… Continue Reading
Increase file upload size limit in PHP-Nginx Rumi, June 9, 2014 To change max file upload size to 100MB Edit… vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini Set… upload_max_filesize = 100M post_max_size = 100M Continue Reading
SSH Public key based authentication Rumi, June 9, 2014September 3, 2017 Method-1: Create the cryptographic Key on FreeBSD / Linux / UNIX workstation, enter: ssh-keygen -t rsa Assign the pass phrase (press [enter] key twice if you don’t want a passphrase). It will create 2 files in ~/.ssh directory as follows: ~/.ssh/id_rsa : identification (private) key ~/.ssh/ : public key Use… Continue Reading