Mercury on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) Rumi, December 22, 2012December 22, 2012 This high performance Drupal system is based on the work of Project Mercury. Project Mercury aims to increase the performance and ability of Drupal powered websites to respond to increased load. This document leverages the same collection of popular open source tools including the Varnish Accelerating Proxy, the APC bytecode… Continue Reading
MySQL Master-Master Replication with Heartbeat Rumi, December 5, 2012December 5, 2012 Setting Up The Two Base Systems In this setup there will be one master server (which runs the ISPConfig control panel interface) and one slave server which mirrors the web (apache), email (postfix and dovecot) and database (MySQL) services of the master server. To install the clustered setup, we need… Continue Reading
Install Varnish on CentOS/RedHat/SL 5 or 6 Rumi, December 5, 2012December 5, 2012 Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. It is installed in front of the web application and it speeds up the web application significantly. Since varnish is not available in CentOS repo, you have to add the EPEL repo. However Varnish suggests… Continue Reading
Configuring A High Availability Cluster (Heartbeat) On CentOS Rumi, December 4, 2012 This guide shows how you can set up a two node, high-availability HTTP cluster with heartbeat on CentOS. Both nodes use the Apache web server to serve the same content. Pre-Configuration Requirements Assign hostname node01 to primary node with IP address to eth0. Assign hostname node02 to slave node… Continue Reading
Suse Repository for CAS Rumi, December 4, 2012December 4, 2012 Adding up OSS repository for CAS med and app server- Oss The main repository, open source software only. Version: 12.2 Version: 12.1 Version: 11.4 Version: 11.3 Version: 11.2 Version: 11.1 Version: 11.0 Continue Reading
Install Webmin on Debian Linux Rumi, November 25, 2012 If you are using the DEB version of webmin, first download the file from the downloads page , or run the command :wget run the command : dpkg –install webmin_1.610_all.deb The install will be done automatically to /usr/share/webmin, the administration username set toroot and the password to your current… Continue Reading
Using FastCGI with Nginx for Performance on a VM Rumi, November 11, 2012November 11, 2012 This weekend I decided to play around with the configuration on my Rackspace Cloud Server. Since our various websites have been doing well lately, the relatively low-powered machine I am running on is starting to fill up its available RAM. So far so good but as everyone quickly learns –… Continue Reading
PHP accelerator Rumi, November 11, 2012 Even though compilation is very fast, it still has a resource and time cost, especially on high-traffic servers. We can improve our response times by more than 5x by pre-caching our compiled opcode for direct execution later. There are a few PHP accelerators which accomplish this for us: Xcache Xcache… Continue Reading
Install Memcache Rumi, November 11, 2012June 20, 2013 By default PHP loads and saves sessions to disk. Disk storage has a few problems: 1. Slow IO: Reading from disk is one of the most expensive operations an application can perform, aside from reading across a network. 2. Scale: If we add a second server, neither machine will be… Continue Reading
Understanding Linux CPU Load Rumi, November 10, 2012 You might be familiar with Linux load averages already. Load averages are the three numbers shown with the uptime and top commands – they look like this: load average: 0.09, 0.05, 0.01 Most people have an inkling of what the load averages mean: the three numbers represent averages over progressively… Continue Reading