Debian Mail Server with Exim as MTA

Install LAMP Base System:
                                      # installed: (L)inux
  - apt-get install apache2           # installs   (A)pache
  - apt-get install mysql-server      # installs   (M)ySQL
  - apt-get install php5 phpmyadmin   # installs   (P)HP and mySQL Webtool

  - Installation of the webmin system-administration webapplication (cgi-perl with its own webserver):
    -> since etch, there is no official webmin debian package anymore.
       However webmin can still be downloaded as .deb package.
       Here is how it is done:
       $ wget   # webmin application
       $ wget  # usermin application
       -> note: now make sure nothing is running on port 10000, else stop the service temporarily
       $ dpkg --install webmin_1.420_all.deb  # installs webmin on port 10000 (install the missing packages if dependency fails)
       $ dpkg --install usermin_1.350_all.deb # installs usermin on port 20000
    -> Check Webmin on this URL:
       -> if you should get an access-denied-error, do this:
    -> vi /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
       -> delete row containing: allow=
       -> here you can also change your port and reactivate the service you previously had running

    -> /etc/init.d/webmin restart # restarts webmin-service

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Install & Configure Popasswd in Debian (for Horde)

  $ apt-get install poppassd   # installs server-side mechanism for changing the password
    $ cd /var/www-ssl/horde/passwd/config
    $ cp -p backends.php.dist backends.php
    $ vi backends.php:
      - delete all but 'poppassd'

   # note:
   # My poppassd service didnt start, because the deb-package put the startup command in 
   # the /etc/inetd.conf superserver file, which my system does not use.
   # If you want to run poppassd on the xinetd superserver, create a poppassd startup file:

   $ vi /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd

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Installing Horde in Debian 5

Default installation is with Apache + mod_php5 + php-mysql:


# aptitude install horde3

Packages installed looks like:

apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common fckeditor horde3 libapache2-mod-php5 libmcrypt4 php-cache php-date php-db php-file php-http-request php-log php-mail php-mail-mime php-mail-mimedecode php-net-dime php-net-ftp php-net-smtp php-net-socket php-net-url php-pear php-services-weather php-soap php-xml-parser php-xml-serializer php-xml-util php5-cli php5-common php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql

Note that Apache/PHP/MySQL is installed by default but you can use another SQL server or HTTP server.

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Creating SSL certificates using openssl

Here was my requirements-

  • I need one of my domain (it was actually an IP redirection) with SSL setup on my IIS 6 (windows 2003 server) system.
  • The IIS have several virtual hosted domains already and one of them needed this SSL setup
  • For some reason- Windows openssl didn't give me a mental level of satisfaction, so I used my Linux box (CentOS 5.5 x86) and have my openssl installed.
  • The installation path on centos was /etc/pki/tls/
  • file location was /etc/pki/tls/
  • My directory structure was
    • /tmp/ssl/
      • requests
      • keys
      • certs

Now rest goes as below-

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Top 5 Best Linux Firewalls


If you are new to any of the top 5 firewalls mentioned here, please read the rest of the article to understand more about them.

1. Iptables

iptables is a user space application program that does packet filtering, network address translation (NAT), and port address translation (PAT).  iptables is for IPv4.  ip6tables is for IPv6.

iptables needs kernel with ip_tables packet filter (including Linux kernel 2.4.x and 2.6.x). Using iptables you can view, add, remove or modify the rules in the packet filter ruleset.


Mail relaying with Virtualmin

In a typical Virtualmin configuration, email for domains that you host will be delivered to mailboxes on the system for reading by users using Usermin or an IMAP client like Outlook or Thunderbird. However, in come cases you may want mail ultimately delivered to another server, such as an Exchange box running on a client’s network, so that mailboxes can be created there.

One way this can be setup by adding MX and A records to the domain’s DNS, which tell other mail servers where email should be delivered. This completely removes your Virtualmin system from the mail delivery path, but has a few problems :

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How do I Compress a Whole Linux or UNIX Directory?

It is very easy to compress a Whole Linux/UNIX directory. It is useful to backup files, email all files, or even to send software you have created to friends. Technically, it is called as a compressed archive. GNU tar command is best for this work. It can be use on remote Linux or UNIX server. It does two things for you:
=> Create the archive
=> Compress the archive

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