Install Development Tool on CentOS and Debian Rumi, June 17, 2022 Well, in my working domain I face these tools to be installed, so that most of the dependent tools or programs that need to be deployed later don’t face much of dependency issue. So here goes the installation process for both the OS. On CentOS/RHEL system use the follwoing command… Continue Reading
Install Proxmox VE 7 on Debian 11 (Bullseye) Rumi, June 17, 2022July 18, 2023 Step 1: Update Debian OS Ensure your Debian 11 (Bullseye) operating system is upgraded. sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade Once the upgrade process is complete, reboot the server sudo systemctl reboot Step 2: Set Proxmox Server hostname Let’s set a hostname on the server sudo hostnamectl… Continue Reading
Delete Old Unused Kernels in Debian Rumi, June 17, 2022 To find out the current version of Linux kernel running on your system, use the following command. $ uname -sr Linux 4.12.0-041200-generic To list all installed kernels on your system, issue this command. $ dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk ‘{print$2}’ linux-image-4.12.0-041200-generic linux-image-4.8.0-22-generic linux-image-extra-4.8.0-22-generic linux-image-generic Remove Old Unused Kernels… Continue Reading
Install Cacti 1.2 on Debian 11 Rumi, June 17, 2022 First, update the repository index. sudo apt update Install MariaDB Database Install MariaDB from Official MariaDB Mirror Update the repository index and install the required packages. sudo apt update sudo apt install -y software-properties-common dirmngr apt-transport-https wget curl Add signing key to your system. curl -fsSL | sudo gpg… Continue Reading
Creating a Sudo User in Debian or Ubuntu Rumi, April 14, 2022 Creating a Debian Sudo User Creating a Debian sudo user involves a few simple steps. This procedure does not require you to edit the sudoers file. If you have an existing user that you want to grant sudo privileges, skip Step 2. Step 1: Log in as the Root User… Continue Reading
Remove Old Kernels of Debian/Ubuntu Rumi, April 1, 2022 To find out the current version of Linux kernel running on your system, use the following command. $ uname -sr Linux 4.12.0-041200-generic To list all installed kernels on your system, issue this command. $ dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk ‘{print$2}’ linux-image-4.12.0-041200-generic linux-image-4.8.0-22-generic linux-image-extra-4.8.0-22-generic linux-image-generic Remove Old Unused Kernels… Continue Reading
Install Proxmox VE 7 on Debian 11 (Bullseye) Rumi, December 16, 2021 In this guide, we will cover a step-by-step installation of Proxmox VE 7 virtualization software on Debian 11 (Bullseye) Linux system. It’s recommended to deploy Proxmox VE server from a Bare-metal_ISO_Installer, but it’s sometimes inevitable to deploy it on a running instance of Debian 11 (Bullseye) server. Setup Pre-requisites For… Continue Reading
Install Netxtcloud on Debian 10 Rumi, December 16, 2021 Install Apache, MariaDB and PHP NextCloud runs on the webserver, written in PHP and uses MariaDB to store their data. So you will need to install Apache, MariaDB, PHP and other required packages on your system. You can install all of them by running the following command: apt-get install apache2… Continue Reading
Softether Linux Client using Bridged with Softether VPN Server Rumi, August 2, 2021 It’s assumed that you already have a vpn server deployed in your network, created user, password and enabled bridged network during vpn server configuration. A sample snippet of VPN Server Bridge enabled is below- So here’re the setup value- On Softether Server IP- and Gateway- Client Server IP-… Continue Reading
Install ONLYOFFICE Document Server with Nginx on Debian 10 Rumi, August 1, 2021 Step 1 – Install Packages Dependencies In this first step, we will install some packages dependencies needed by the Document Server, including the RabbitMQ-server, Redis, and Nginx-extras. Update your Debian system repository and install Document Server packages dependencies using the apt command below. sudo apt update sudo apt install redis-server… Continue Reading