Load Balancing using Ldirectord on Linux (Apache) web server

For this setup, we need four nodes (two Apache nodes and two load balancer nodes) and five IP addresses: one for each node and one virtual IP address that will be shared by the load balancer nodes and used for incoming HTTP requests.

I will use the following setup here:

Apache node 1: webserver1.tm.local (webserver1) – IP address:; Apache document root: /var/www
Apache node 2: webserver2.tm.local (webserver2) – IP address:; Apache document root: /var/www
Load Balancer node 1: loadb1.tm.local (loadb1) – IP address:
Load Balancer node 2: loadb2.tm.local (loadb2) – IP address:
Virtual IP Address: (used for incoming requests)

In this tutorial I will use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS for all four nodes, just install basic Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on all four nodes. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! I also recommend you to have a DNS server in place.

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Load Balanced IIS behind ldirectord loadbalancer

Cluster Nodes Configurations (IIS6/7 Real Web Server Configuration)

1. Create text file by using Notepad and name it "check.txt"
2. Fill this file with "webserverisworking" string.
3. Move file to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" or anywhere your web files are.

If you are using Windows XP/2003 IIS web server then you should do these steps:

1. Install "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" by using "Add Hardware" icon in Control Panel.
2. Set IP to
3. Set Subnet Mask to
4. Don't Set Gateway or DNS
5. Done!

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