XOA on XCP-NG import and install

Start a new SSH session to your XenServer host and run the commands below.

### Using curl ###
[18:18 xcp-node-01 ~]# bash -c "$(curl -sS https://xoa.io/deploy)"
### Using wget ###
[18:18 xcp-node-01 ~]# bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://xoa.io/deploy)"

If you are using an old XenServer version, you may encounter SSL connection issues. This can bypassed by using the unsecure connection instead:

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Setup Xen Orchestra (XO) Community Edition

XCP-NG + Xen Orchestra Community Edition = a powerful 100% free virtualization environment and backup solution. I’m writing this to provide hand holding for those interested in XCP-NG but intimidated by the required command line setup to get Xen Orchestra Community Edition (XOCE) working.

The installation and update scripts for Xen Orchestra were written by DustinB3403; I’m using information from a few different sources to make an easy to follow guide.

For the purposes of this guide I’ll presume you already have XCP-NG installed and that XOCE will be running as a VM on XCP-NG. I’ll also assume you already have XCP-NG Center installed on a Windows OS. You can download XCP-NG Center at https://github.com/xcp-ng/xenadmin/releases.

*Updated 08-16-19 with TOML instructions for HTTPS. Thanks again to SloopDog for posting the HTTPS instructions.

Step 1: Download Linux ISO

I used Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/). If you’re not comfortable with Linux I suggest you do the same so you can use the same commands without modification. Otherwise, feel free to use your own flavor. Download the Linux ISO and save it in a shared windows folder.

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