Adding NextCloud as a Windows Drive using Rclone Rumi, July 13, 2023 Pretty Straightforward- rclone config choose "n" for "New remote" choose name for Nextcloud --> rshare (or any name you want to keep as rclone config name) choose "Type of Storage" --> Webdav provide Nextcloud URL for webdav access --> https://<nextclouddomain>/remote.php/dav/uploads/<user>/ choose Vendor --> Nextcloud specify "user" --> (see `<user>` in "Configuring rclone" above). password --> y (Yes type in my own password) specify "password" --> (see `<password>` in "Configuring rclone" above). bearer token --> "" Edit advanced config? --> n (No) Remote config --> y (Yes this is OK) Current remotes --> q (Quit config) Check the connectivty by apply the command in the command prompt- rclone lsd <nextcloud_configname>: Optionally you can add rclone as a windows service using nssm utility. Reference can be found here- Ref: Downlaod Packages: Nextcloud_BaaS Administrations Configurations (Windows) NextcloudNSSMRcloneWindows 10