How do I Compress a Whole Linux or UNIX Directory?

It is very easy to compress a Whole Linux/UNIX directory. It is useful to backup files, email all files, or even to send software you have created to friends. Technically, it is called as a compressed archive. GNU tar command is best for this work. It can be use on remote Linux or UNIX server. It does two things for you:
=> Create the archive
=> Compress the archive

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Understanding allocation of spectrum for telcos

These days you read a lot about telcos having a war with the Government about allocation of spectrum. So what does it actually mean?

Spectrum is airwaves which carry sound on a given frequency or band. It is scarce because there is limited bandwidth and a major chunk of airwaves is controlled by defense forces in India. There is only a finite spectrum and it is limited – cannot be created. (just like real-estate, which is a limited commodity and is not being created).

For those who want to get very technical: Spectrum is the collection of all frequencies available for the transmission of light, not sound. When the frequency is very high, you get ultraviolet rays. When the frequency is lower, you get optical light, and when the frequency is lower than that you get infra-red light (which also transmits heat and the information between TV remotes and TV sets). Still lower frequencies carry light in the form of radio waves. Cell phones function through the transmission and reception of radio waves.

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Aviation Safety Network (

Mission Statement

“Providing everyone with a (professional) interest in aviation with up-to-date, complete and reliable authoritative information on airliner accidents and safety issues”.

Content / scope

The Aviation Safety Network is a private, independent initiative founded in 1996. On line since January 1996, the Aviation Safety Network covers accidents and safety issues with regards to airliners, military transport planes and corporate jets.
The ASN Safety Database contains detailed descriptions of over 10,700 incidents, hijackings and accidents.

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The life of David Gale

Dr. David Gale, an advocate of eliminating the death penalty, is falsely accused of rape and murder. Once convicted, he ends up on death row in Texas himself, telling his story to a reporter through a series of flashbacks. 

When anti-death-penalty activist David Gale is convicted and condemned to death for the murder of a colleague, reporter Bitsey Bloom sets out to learn the story behind Gale’s crime. What she finds challenges her belief in Gale’s guilt and, finally, in the justice system.

A University of Texas professor of philosophy and capital punishment abolitionist, David Gale, finds himself on Death Row convicted of murder. Days before his execution, skeptical journalist Bitsey Bloom is sent to conduct David Gale’s final interview. Unaware that she would not be investigating Dr. Gale, Bitsey and her sympathetic intern leave to Texas for what is to become a story of a lifetime. 

The story follows a University of Austin professor, Dr. David Gale, an advocate for the abolishment of capital punishment, who is falsly convicted of rape and murder of another activist. He suddenly finds himself on death row. The film is told in flashbacks with a female reporter interviewing Gale.

Genres:     Drama, Thriller and Crime/Gangster
Running Time:     2 hrs. 10 min.
Release Date:     February 21st, 2003 (wide)
MPAA Rating:     R for violent images, nudity, sexuality, language.
Universal Pictures
U.S. Box Office:     $19,593,740


Trip to Manikgonj

The subject line though saying a trip to Manikgnj, but the place I’ve never been. This morning I just read an article on Ittefaq- thought save it for future reference.

Made a PDF version of the Bangla content (unfortunately Ittefaq doesnt support Unicode)

Download here


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Linux training materials such as tutorials, Linux courses, and videos are indexed here to help Linux users of all types move further along on their Linux path. We also provide books and manuals, online server courses, and instructor-led Linux training options. We’ve dedicated all of our time and energy to developing resources for these three types of users. What type of user are you?



EOT তৈরির কৌশল

আমি অনেকদিন থেকেই এটি অনুভব করছিলাম যে, EOT তৈরির ধাপগুলি সঠিকভাবে বর্ণনা করে একটি লেখা তৈরি করবো। আমি দেখেছি অনেকেই সমস্যায় পড়েন। বুঝতে পারেন না কিভাবে এগোবেন। EOT তৈরি করতে পারলেও দেখা যায় তার পারফরমেন্স ভালো না। বুঝতে পারেন না কোথায় সমস্যা হয়েছিলো। আর এই চিন্তা থেকেই এই লেখাটি শুরু করলাম। ভোটার লিষ্ট সাইট ডেভেলপে ইওটি তৈরি করতে হয়েছিলো। তখন স্ক্রীনশটগুলো রেখেছিলাম। আমরা সোলাইমানলিপি ফন্টটির একটি EOT বানাতে যাচ্ছি।

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Kannel Guide- nerd developer!

About me seems like quite a difficult to sum up on a single blog page :) So I’ll try and explain ‘about me’ by telling you how I got here. It could be said that I am obsessed with work, which is partially true because my work is my passion, I love technology, gadgets and all things related.If I’m not working, I am inevitably fiddling with something technical.

I was raised on a farm in the Eastern Cape until the age of 10 years old, and then my family decided it would be best for my sister and I if we could be in Port Elizabeth (‘the city’). I went to the Grey School in Port Elizabeth until age 15 when I moved to Alexander Road High School in order to be able to take Computer Science as a subject (among other things). I matriculated there in 2001. I have always been a serious geek so I managed to achieve a 99% mark for Computer Science High Grade in matric and the spoils associated with that (not many..)….
