MySQL Replication by MySQL

The easiest and most straightforward method for setting up replication is to use new master and slave servers.

You can also use this method if you are setting up new servers but have an existing dump of the databases from a different server that you want to load into your replication configuration. By loading the data into a new master, the data will be automatically replicated to the slaves.

To set up replication between a new master and slave:

  1. Configure the MySQL master with the necessary configuration properties. See Section, “Setting the Replication Master Configuration”.

  2. Start up the MySQL master.

  3. Set up a user. See Section, “Creating a User for Replication”.

  4. Obtain the master status information. See Section, “Obtaining the Replication Master Binary Log Coordinates”.

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MySQL Replication

MySQL is the relational database system of choice for open sourcers. Replication is the process of replicating data from one MySQL database server (the master) into another (the slave). We’ll go into why you would want to replicate a MySQL database in another article.

MySQL Replication
Using the master-slave configuration mentioned above, only the changes made to the master are replicated in the slave. Changes made to the slave do not affect the master.

If you follow the steps below, you can set up MySQL replication in a matter of minutes.

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আমের দেশে- রাজশাহী…

আমের এখন ভরা মৌসুম। চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জের হাটে, বাজারে, গাছের ডালে ডালে সর্বত্রই আম আর আম। দেশের সবচেয়ে বেশি আমের উত্পাদন এ জেলাতেই। এ ছাড়া প্রাচীন গৌড়ের নানান ঐতিহাসিক স্থাপনাও আছে এ জেলাতে। আমের এ মৌসুমে চলুন ঘুরে আসি উত্তর বঙ্গের জেলা চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ থেকে।

চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ জেলা শহর :মহানন্দা নদীর তীরে বেশ পুরোনো শহর চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ। প্রতিদিন সকালে এ সময়ে দূরদূরান্ত থেকে আম বোঝাই নৌকা ভিড় জমায় শহরের থানা ঘাটে। খুব ভোরে শুরু হয়ে এ বাজার বেলা উঠার কিছু পরেই শেষ হয়ে যায়। সড়ক ব্যবস্থার উন্নয়নের ফলে দিনে দিনে নৌকার সংখ্যা কমে আসছে এ বাজারে।

কোতোয়ালি দরজা :ভারত-বাংলাদেশের সীমান্তে ছোট সোনা মসজিদ স্থল বন্দর থেকে ভারতের প্রবেশ পথে অবস্থিত। নগর পুলিশের ফারসি প্রতিশব্দ কোতওয়াল-এর অনুকরণে এর নামকরণ। এ নগর পুলিশ প্রাচীন গৌর নগরীর দক্ষিণ অংশ রক্ষার কাজে নিয়োজিত ছিল বলে জানা যায়। প্রবেশ পথের পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম পাশের দেয়ালে ছিদ্র আছে। এগুলো দিয়ে শত্রুর ওপরে গুলি কিংবা তীর ছোড়া হতো বলে ধারণা করা হয়। বর্তমানে এটি প্রায় ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত। কোতোয়ালি দরজাটি সাধারণভাবে কাছে গিয়ে দেখার উপায় নেই। সোনা মসজিদ স্থল বন্দরে দাঁড়িয়ে কেবল দূর থেকে দেখা সম্ভব। কারণ, এটি ভারতের অংশে পড়েছে।

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Icinga Resources


Virtual Hosting with Tomcat

This is a guide on setting up Tomcat to do virtual hosting and make it behave like a simple webserver with jsp and servlet support, for many different sites all hosted on the same IP address. The aim is to have a single directory for each virtual host, which can be manipulated individually without hassles from managing multiple .war files and other configuration difficulties.

To configure Tomcat for a virtual host, you need a <Host ..> directive in the server.xml file, and a ROOT.xml file in the conf/Catalina/$host directory. Here's the minimal setup required for a copy of Tomcat serving directly on Port 80, using no connectors or other configuration difficulties.

This was written for Tomcat 5 on linux, with Tomcat installed in /usr/local/tomcat

We start with the simplest configuration, of one website, called 'localhost' which keeps it's files in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/localhost . We're not using any .war files here – all the files are placed straight into the directory.

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Zip and Unzip Command in Linux

Zipping a Directory

zip is a compression and file packaging utility for Unix, Linux, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, Windows NT, Minix, Atari and Macintosh, Amiga and Acorn RISC OS etc. This utility is installed by default on most Linux computers. he program is useful for packaging a set of files for distribution; for archiving files; and for saving disk space by temporarily compressing unused files or directories.

To zip directory called pics in your home directory (/home/you/pics), type the following command:

$ zip -r /home/you/pics/

It recurse into directories (all files and directories inside pics) to produced zip file called

Unzipping a Directory


unzip command will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive, commonly found on MS-DOS systems. The default behavior (with no options) is to extract into the current
directory (and subdirectories below it) all files from the specified ZIP archive.

By default, all files and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the -d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory). This option need not appear at the end of the command line; it is also accepted before the zipfile specification (with the normal options), immediately after the zipfile specification, or between the file(s) and the -x option. The option and directory may be concatenated without any white space between them, but note that this may cause normal shell behavior to be suppressed.

unzip {.zip-file-name}-d {/path/to/extract}

For example extract into /opt, enter:
# unzip -d /opt
# cd /opt
# ls

If you want to rename package directory use mv command:
# mv package newname


Installing GCC, C++ and GD in Linux

By Using YUM these compiler and libraries can be setup-

  • GCC compiler
  • C/C++ development libraries
  • GD development libraries

For GCC, C/C++-

yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake

For GD-

yum install gd gd-devel php-gd

On Debian/Linux to install GCC use-

# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
# apt-get install build-essential
# gcc -v
# make -v

That's it!


Setup Tomcat with Apache2 and Java on Ubuntu 10.04 Server

Apache Tomcat (or Jakarta Tomcat or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run.
Tomcat should not be confused with the Apache web server, which is a C implementation of an HTTP web server; these two web servers are not bundled together. Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and management, but can also be configured by editing XML configuration files.

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