Auto-centering Popup Window Rumi, July 8, 2011July 8, 2011 Step 1: Insert the below inside the <head> section of your page: <script language="javascript"> /* Auto center window script- Eric King ( Permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script in archive For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit */ var win = null; function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll){ LeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0; TopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-h)/2 : 0; settings = 'height='+h+',width='+w+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars='+scroll+',resizable' win =,myname,settings) } </script> Step 2: Now, for each involved link, add the part in red to its <a> tag, as follows: <a href="" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','400','400','yes');return false">Website Abstraction</a> Src: Scripts