Understanding NAT, Direct Routing & Tunneling Rumi, May 3, 2016 Virtual Server via NAT The advantage of the virtual server via NAT is that real servers can run any operating system that supports TCP/IP protocol, real servers can use private Internet addresses, and only an IP address is needed for the load balancer. The disadvantage is that the scalability of… Continue Reading
Testing Freeradius of Pfsense Rumi, April 4, 2016April 4, 2016 FreeRADIUS offers an easy to use command line tool to check if the server is running and listening to incoming requests. Aninterface, a NAS/Client and a user must all be configured: Add a User with the following configuration:Username: testuser Password: testpassword Add a Client/NAS with the following configuration:IP-Address: Shared… Continue Reading
Converting laptop into a wifi router Rumi, March 26, 2016 Well, first assuming, that the laptop has 2 NIC- one with an ethernet port for wired and the other- of course the Wifi ethernet (without this presume this content won’t exist otherwise 😉 ) Now, the next thing- either you get internet from the wired port or to be in… Continue Reading
Understanding RAID Rumi, March 25, 2016 I always try to share what I learn, and a few days back was looking for a single page short cut summary notes on various RAID level for the storage units. Found this article quite resourceful and exactly a single paged document that I was looking for. Now sharing the… Continue Reading
TeamViewer for Headless Linux Unattended System Access Rumi, March 20, 2016 Googled for hours, couldn’t found a solid documentation on this. After many different stitching material- prepared a little moderate installation (at least it worked for me). My Linux OS is Debian 8.x- believe should work in other debian version and Ubuntu as well. But, before continuing this, make sure- You have… Continue Reading
Nginx- Allow Directory browsing Rumi, March 20, 2016 Enabling directory listing in a folder in nginx is simple enough with just an autoindex on;directive inside the location directive. You can also enable sitewide directory listing by putting it in the server block or even enable directory access for all sites by putting it in the http block. An… Continue Reading
Understanding Virtualbox network interfaces Rumi, March 17, 2016 To create and experiment with all kinds of networks without the risk (or taking the trouble) of creating an actual one. And here is where VirtualBox excels by providing several options for networking out of the box. VirtualBox installs an additional NIC (Network Interface Card) on your host computer to… Continue Reading
NFS fix on LXC Host Server Rumi, March 17, 2016July 28, 2018 NFS client on LXC seems do not work. Why? The problem is apparmor on the real machine that block any appempt to mount NFS volumes. In order to try to minimize the security changes on apparmor I add the following lines in/etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default # allow nfs mount everywhere mount fstype=rpc_pipefs, mount… Continue Reading
Remote Administering pfsense Rumi, March 15, 2016 To open the firewall GUI up completely, create a firewall rule to allow remote firewall administration – do not create a port forward or any other NAT configuration. Example Firewall Rule Setup Firewall > Rules, WAN Tab Action: pass Interface: WAN Protocol: TCP Source: Any (or restrict by IP/subnet) Destination:… Continue Reading
Reverse Proxy with Caching Rumi, February 15, 2016 A Sample Nginx Reverse proxy configuration- an alternative to Varnish cache (kind of more simplistic)- user www-data; worker_processes 4; pid /var/run/nginx.pid; events { worker_connections 768; # multi_accept on; } http { proxy_cache_path /cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=STATIC:10m inactive=24h max_size=1g; server { location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache STATIC; proxy_cache_valid… Continue Reading