How To Control Access To Unwanted Websites Using URL Blacklist With SafeSquid Proxy Server Rumi, January 14, 2012January 14, 2012 SafeSquid – Content Filtering Internet Proxy, has many content filtering features that can be used to decide who is allowed what, when and how much on the net. In this tutorial I will describe how to control access to unwanted categories of websites, by using URL Blacklist database with SafeSquid… Continue Reading
Netstat Command Rumi, January 11, 2012January 11, 2012 Netstat command displays various network related information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, multicast memberships etc., In this article, let us review 10 practical unix netstat command examples. 1. List All Ports (both listening and non listening ports) Continue Reading
Icinga Sample Host cfg file to monitor Windows Server Rumi, December 8, 2011December 8, 2011 define host{ use windows-server ; Inherit default values from a template host_name blk-smsgw ; The name we're giving to this host alias Windows Server ; A longer name associated with the host address ; IP address of the host } definehostgroup{ alias Windows Servers ; Long name… Continue Reading
Monitor Windows Service using Nagios (Icinga) Rumi, December 8, 2011 On the Nagios Server edit the file /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg: # vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg Add the following to create a new service definition to monitor the process state of WinVNC.exe (VNC Server): # Create a service for monitoring the WinVNC.exe process # Change the host_name to match the name of the host you… Continue Reading
How to install Java SDK (1.6) and Apache Ant (1.7) on CentOS Rumi, November 18, 2011November 18, 2011 I had enough with some package managers or alternative ways of installing Java on a server which is running CentOS (RHEL) 4.4 . I think the most straight forward way is the following. I promise by the end of this post you will have Java and Apache Ant running on… Continue Reading
Enable Directory Listing in Nginx Webserver Rumi, October 1, 2011 Here is a simple way to enable directory listing in Nginx Webserver. I have a subdomain and i want to have ability to listing a directory. All we need to do just modify the vhosts or nginx.conf Add autoindex on; Please see the example below Example : #nano… Continue Reading
PowerDNS Cache dump in CSV Rumi, September 17, 2011 The objective is simple, a periodic cron cache dump of powerdns recursor on a setup. 1. create a shell code as below using nano- #nano /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/sh DAY=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d` TFILE="/var/log/pdns-cache/$(basename $0).$DAY.csv" rec_control dump-cache $TFILE echo "cache dump completed, dump script by rumi (" Continue Reading
Virtuabox: Quick installation on Debian Linux Rumi, September 17, 2011 step-1 ====== install debian step-2 ======= checking if 'synaptic' 'gedbi' are installted step-3 ====== install xrdp for remote installation step-4 ======== installing webmin Continue Reading
Canon scanner N340P/ N640P problem on windows 7 or vista Operating System Rumi, September 15, 2011 I was trying to use my old scanner Canon flatbed scanner "CanoScan N 640P ex" model. The driver installation didn't give any compatibility issue. However, after the OEM driver installed and tried to scan something- I was receiving this error- canocraft cs-p 3.8 profile not found error code 0x24050010 After… Continue Reading
endian firewall community defaul root password Rumi, September 13, 2011 I do not like to read whole documentation to get the default password, it is wasting of time, so I use google to do it. But it was rather hard do find the default password for endian firewall (Yes, I've just installed it for testing purposes). So: login: root… Continue Reading