Gaddafi Facts Rumi, November 18, 2011November 18, 2011 Libya & GADDAFI …Facts that cant be denied 1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens. 2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law. 3. Home considered… Continue Reading
Apple Jobs! Rumi, October 6, 2011 My deep condolences to the loss of one of the most visionary leader on earth…. Steve Jobs, the visionary who led a mobile computer revolution with the creation of wildly popular devices such as the iPhone, was mourned Thursday by admirers and competitors as much of the world awoke to… Continue Reading
rec_control man section Rumi, September 11, 2011September 11, 2011 Name rec_control – control pdns_recursor Synopsis rec_control [–help] [–socket-dir] [–socket-pid] command .. Description rec_control(1) allows the operator to control a running instance of the pdns_recursor. The commands that can be passed to the recursor are described on Examples To stop the recursor by hand, run: # rec_control quit To… Continue Reading
PowerDNS: Rec Control Rumi, September 11, 2011 make rec_control be more user friendly make wipe-cache accept non-dot terminated domain names make wipe-cache return count of wiped ('wopen'?) domains document best current practice when wiping (wipe more than www.domain, wipe domain as well) REC_CONTROL(1) ============== NAME —- rec_control – control pdns_recursor SYNOPSIS ——– 'rec_control' [–help] [–socket-dir] [–socket-pid] command… Continue Reading
Cacti: PowerDNS Recursor Templates Rumi, September 11, 2011 Here are a couple of graph templates for the PowerDNS recursor. They need a shell script to be installed on the DNS server, and an net-snmp config change. Add the following to the snmpd.conf extend pdns-rec /usr/local/bin/ Put pdns_stats in /usr/local/bin, so that snmpd can find it (rename from pdns_stats.txt)…. Continue Reading
Cacti: How ton install on a Debian server Rumi, September 11, 2011April 19, 2015 ======================================= A Newer version of this document is available at- Cacti on Debian (Updated) ======================================= The following programs are needed to run cacti: – apache2 for the web server – mysql-server for the database – php5 for the server-based script – php5-common – php5-cgi – php5-cli – php5-mysql – snmp… Continue Reading
Powerdns: rec_control command Rumi, September 4, 2011 The rec_control get command can be used to query the following statistics, either single keys or multiple statistics at once: all-outqueries counts the number of outgoing UDP queries since starting answers0-1 counts the number of queries answered within 1 milisecond answers100-1000 counts the number of queries answered within 1 second… Continue Reading
Grameen vs Bangladesh Rumi, March 31, 2011March 31, 2011 The feud in Bangladesh between prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Mohammed Yunus, the founder of the microloan-making Grameen Bank and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is being portrayed as a modern-day replay of the famous battle between the wicked Kauravas and the virtuous Pandavas in the Indian epic,… Continue Reading
Difference between CP and CPS Rumi, March 23, 2011 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations Certificate Policy (CP) – a document listing the rules to be abided by when issuing and managing Certificates. Certificate Practice Statement (CPS) – lists the procedures to be followed when issuing and managing Certificates. Certificate Policy (CP) A Certificate Policy [ 4 ] describes the rules… Continue Reading
ইজেনারেশন কৃষি মন্ত্রালয়ের জন্য তৈরি করেছে ডিজিটাল সার সুপারিশ সফটওয়ার Rumi, March 14, 2011 দেশের শীর্ষস্থানীয় সফটওয়ার কোম্পানি ইজেনেরাশন কৃষি মন্ত্রালয়ের মৃত্তিকা সম্পদ উন্নয়ন ইন্সটিটিউট (এসআরডিআই) এর জন্য তৈরি করেছে ডিজিটাল সার সুপারিশ সফটওয়ার। বাজার উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প কাটালিস্ট, গ্রামীন ফোন এবং বাংলা লিংক এর সহযোগিতায় সফটওয়ারটি বর্তমানে পরিচালিত হচ্ছে যার মাধ্যমে কৃষকরা ডিজিটাল প্লাটফর্ম থেকে বিভিন্ন ফসলের জন্য সঠিক সার নির্বাচন ও তার পরিমান… Continue Reading