You can make a general IP ban list. You need to go to Port forwarding / Destination NAT
- Create a new rule
- Click on the advanced mode
- Incoming IP: Type: Zone/VPN/Upllink. Select Uplink main – IP:All known.
- Incoming service port, Service: Any, Port: Any.
- In the Translate To section set Type: IP, Insert IP: leave blank, NAT: NAT
- Access From Section.
- Source Type: Network/IP/Range
- Filter Policy: Drop
- In the Network UP’s box, enter a single IPor IP CIDR. eg or
- Check the enabled box. In the comment section type Blocked Incoming IP’s
- Make the position first.
It is important the rule is the first one, else the precending rules will overide the block. If you a list of country and/or IP CIR go to www countryipblocks net