Force stop xen vm using command line Rumi, February 6, 2023July 8, 2023 Instructions Disable High Availability (HA) so you don’t run into issues. Log into the Xenserver host that is running your VM with issues via ssh or console via XenCenter. Run the following command to list VMs and their UUIDs xe vm-list resident-on=<uuid_of_host> First you can try just the normal shutdown command with force xe vm-shutdown uuid=<UUID from step 3> force=true If that just hangs, use CONTROL+C to kill it off and try to reset the power state. The force is required on this command xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=<UUID from step 3> force=true If the VM is still not shutdown, we may need to destroy the domain. Run this command to get the domain id of the VM. It is the number in the first row of output. The list will be the VMs on the host. Dom0 will be the host itself and all numbers after are running VM list_domains Now run this command using the domain ID from the output of step 7 xl destroy <DOMID from step 7> To start the VM use- xe vm-start name-label=$VMN Administrations Configurations (Linux) XCP-NG XCP-NGXen