How to Modify/Change console/SSH login banner for Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE / PVE) Rumi, March 3, 2025March 3, 2025 The final banner text is stored in /etc/issue, but we should not change this file, instead we should change the script which produces the content for this file “/usr/bin/pvebanner“ 1 To modify the /usr/bin/pvebanner file we can use the following command to back it up first then edit it # Backup the file before editing cp /usr/bin/pvebanner /usr/bin/pvebanner.backup # Edit the file nano /usr/bin/pvebanner 2 Modify then save the changes and exit the nano editor: Ctrl + X, Y, Enter key Appendix Default content of /etc/issue file from PVE 6.4-6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment. Please use your web browser to configure this server - connect to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Default content of /usr/bin/pvebanner file from PVE 6.4-6 #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use PVE::INotify; use PVE::Cluster; my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename(); my $localip = PVE::Cluster::remote_node_ip($nodename, 1); my $xline = '-' x 78; my $banner = ''; if ($localip) { $banner .= <<__EOBANNER; $xline Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment. Please use your web browser to configure this server - connect to: https://${localip}:8006/ $xline __EOBANNER } open(ISSUE, ">/etc/issue"); print ISSUE $banner; close(ISSUE); exit (0); Administrations Proxmox Proxmox