Install cPanel on CentOS 7 Rumi, February 1, 2020February 1, 2020 cPanel is an online Linux-based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site or email. Prerequisite: Launch a CentOS 7 instance (Only install cPanel & WHM on a freshly-installed operating system). Access the instance via SSH. Run all the following commands from the shell/terminal (All commands need to be run as the root user). You need to purchase your own cPanel license to use the control panel. Instructions: Step 1: Set a valid hostname (FQDN) for your system. Note: Replace “” with a FQDN. hostname <> Step 2: Disable SELinux. sed -i ‘s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/’ /etc/selinux/config Step 3: Download and run the installation script. Tips: You may use the screen utility in case your session disconnects during installation. cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest Step 4: Wait for the installation to complete. Step 5: While waiting for the installation, you might want to allow all the required ports on the security group for your instance (eg: WHM SSL, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS). Please follow the guide here. Note: To know which ports are used by cPanel & WHM, please refer to this official documentation: Step 6: Set a password for root. passwd Step 7: Browse to https://<your-server-ip>:2087 to access the WHM, and login as root. Result: Src: Administrations Configurations (Linux) CentOScPanel