Install ioncube on Linux server Rumi, July 14, 2016 Begin by downloading the latest loaders to your computer from Extract the contents of the archived file on your local PC to a folder of your choice. Upload the folder IONCUBE via FTP to your domain webspace Now establish an SSH connection with server using a suitable client (e.g. Putty for PC’s or Terminal on Mac). This is usually done using the command: SSH (you will then be asked for your password). You will need to browse to the public folder where you uploaded the IONCUBE directory (search internet for change and view directory commands in Unix). Move the ioncube folder to a permanent location by entering: mv ioncube /usr/local Next, you need to locate the php.ini file, to do this enter: locate php.ini – You should find it is in /usr/local/lib/php.ini. Now that you know the location of php.ini you need to edit it. pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini Now find where other zend extentions are in the file: ctrl + w: zend_extension Paste in your new line for ioncube loader: zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ (Replace x with your version of PHP eg. 4.4) Save the changes: ctrl + X then Y and enter Restart the web server to take effect: /etc/init.d/httpd restart That’s it! Ioncube should now be installed & working on your server. To verify the installation was successful, check the PHP Info output for your server and you should see a new section which reads: Additional Modules Module Name ionCube Loader Administrations Configurations (Linux) CentOSDebianioncuberphp