Install Poppassd in CentOS 7 Rumi, July 19, 2019November 15, 2019 Steps for configuration change password plugin for squirrelmail/Horde/Rainloop using poppassd are: Download poppassd.c from Look at poppassd.c and make sure it looks safe yum -y install gcc gcc poppassd.c -o poppassd -lcrypt mv poppassd /usr/local/bin/ yum -y install xinetd cp /etc/xinetd.d/time-stream /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd nano /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd Update “service time” to “service poppassd” disable = no id = poppasswd type = UNLISTED user = root group = root server = /usr/local/bin/poppassd port = 106 systemctl restart xinetd systemctl enable xinetd Test by doing “telnet localhost 106” that service is started properly or not. Your poppassd is now installed on Centos 7 system. Src: Administrations Configurations (Linux) CentOSCentOS 7Poppassd
You need to open the /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd file with a text editor (vi/nano) and find the line where “service time” and replace it with “service poppassd”. Reply