Install Uptime Kuma on Debian 12 Rumi, January 25, 2025 Log into the Linux device. Run the following commands in a terminal window# update software repositories sudo apt update # install available software updates sudo apt upgrade -y # install prerequisites sudo apt install git curl -y # add nodejs software repository curl -sL | sudo bash - # install nodejs sudo apt install nodejs -y # clone from git git clone ./uptime-kuma # change directory to ./uptime-kuma cd uptime-kuma # run setup npm run setup # run uptime kuma node server/server.js Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP:3001 Select a language and create an administrator username and password > Click Create Welcome to Uptime Kuma Run Uptime Kuma as a Service (Optional, but recommended) Press CTRL + C to kill the running Uptime Kuma process. Continue with the following steps to run Uptime Kuma as a service# create nodejs user sudo useradd nodejs # change directory out of uptime-kuma cd .. # move uptime kuma to /opt sudo mv ~/uptime-kuma /opt # create service bash file sudo nano /opt/uptime-kuma/ Paste the following configuration into #!/usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/node /opt/uptime-kuma/server/server.js Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes Continue with the following commands# make executable sudo chmod +x /opt/uptime-kuma/ # create uptime-kuma service file sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/uptime-kuma.service Paste the following configuration into uptime-kuma.service[Unit] Description=Uptime Kuma [Service] ExecStart=/opt/uptime-kuma/ Restart=always User=nodejs Group=nodejs WorkingDirectory=/opt/uptime-kuma [Install] Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes. Continue with the following commands# set owner of /opt/uptime-kuma sudo chown nodejs:nodejs /opt/uptime-kuma -R # reload systemd services sudo systemctl daemon-reload # start uptime-kuma service on boot and now sudo systemctl enable uptime-kuma --now Refresh the open web browser to verify Uptime Kuma is accessible Src: Administrations Collected Articles Configurations (Linux) DebianDebian 12Uptime Kuma