Installing new fonts in Collabora Rumi, February 24, 2023 For the core MS fonts: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer You may be asked to accept the license agreement, i was not asked. They end up in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts Next is to install the clear types such as calibri This is a bit different but can be done with the vista fonts installer script. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions. Create a .font folder as the script needs that. mkdir .font wget -qO- | bash All new fonts are installed in the .font folder. Now in /usr/share/fonts/truetype create folder msttvistafonts Copy all fonts from the .fonts folder to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttvistafonts *Change the ownerships to the same as that in the other fonts if needed. If you have more fonts copy all fonts to the following folders- /usr/share/fonts/truetype /opt/cool/systemplate/usr/share/fonts/truetype Run fc-cache Now this next command – you have to make sure that you adjust the version number to the one matching your Collabora installation for this folder: /opt/collaboraoffice Run AS ROOT (or just execute the actual command as the lool user) su cool --shell=/bin/sh -c "coolwsd-systemplate-setup /opt/cool/systemplate /opt/collaboraoffice >/dev/null 2>&1" And finally fc-cache systemctl restart coolwsd Restart coolwsd.service and the fonts are available. Src: Administrations Collected Articles CollaboraFonts