Librenms Tidbits Rumi, March 17, 2018 To identify and see what’s wrong with the NMS, run and check the problem by issuing- ./validate.php If RRD files not being updated in rrd folder, check- ./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -d -f -m os Reset LibreNMS by dropping database- DROP DATABASE `librenms`; CREATE DATABASE `librenms`; php build-base.php Admin password reset (or create new admin user in case you’ve forgotten the existing user)- ./adduser.php <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> 10 If receiving such error while installing Librenms, run- ./scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev If you’re having poller issue (assuming cron fails), run- /opt/librenms/ Administrations Configurations (Linux) LibreNMS