SHA1 Hashing generator Rumi, May 20, 2010 A very handy effective site tool! Continue Reading
The life of David Gale Rumi, May 7, 2010 Dr. David Gale, an advocate of eliminating the death penalty, is falsely accused of rape and murder. Once convicted, he ends up on death row in Texas himself, telling his story to a reporter through a series of flashbacks. When anti-death-penalty activist David Gale is convicted and condemned to death… Continue Reading
Trip to Manikgonj Rumi, May 4, 2010 The subject line though saying a trip to Manikgnj, but the place I’ve never been. This morning I just read an article on Ittefaq- thought save it for future reference. Made a PDF version of the Bangla content (unfortunately Ittefaq doesnt support Unicode) Download here Continue Reading
Begin Linux Rumi, April 19, 2010 Linux training materials such as tutorials, Linux courses, and videos are indexed here to help Linux users of all types move further along on their Linux path. We also provide books and manuals, online server courses, and instructor-led Linux training options. We’ve dedicated all of our time and energy to… Continue Reading
EOT তৈরির কৌশল Rumi, April 16, 2010April 6, 2013 আমি অনেকদিন থেকেই এটি অনুভব করছিলাম যে, EOT তৈরির ধাপগুলি সঠিকভাবে বর্ণনা করে একটি লেখা তৈরি করবো। আমি দেখেছি অনেকেই সমস্যায় পড়েন। বুঝতে পারেন না কিভাবে এগোবেন। EOT তৈরি করতে পারলেও দেখা যায় তার পারফরমেন্স ভালো না। বুঝতে পারেন না কোথায় সমস্যা হয়েছিলো। আর এই চিন্তা থেকেই এই লেখাটি শুরু… Continue Reading
Kannel Guide- nerd developer! Rumi, April 16, 2010 About me seems like quite a difficult to sum up on a single blog page So I’ll try and explain ‘about me’ by telling you how I got here. It could be said that I am obsessed with work, which is partially true because my work is my passion, I… Continue Reading
Windows 7 theme for Ubuntu 9.10 , March 29, 2010 An interesting article, as it looks it transforms the entire OS theme into Windows 7 like…. 🙂 Continue Reading
loadUserProfile and IIS7 – understanding temporary directory failures Rumi, March 7, 2010 I’ve noticed quite a few people running into temporary directory permission issues. The PHP blog post I made last month is one example of this issue, there are also several forum posts related to ASP & Access database failures, where the reported failure is: Microsoft JET Database Engine error ‘80004005’… Continue Reading
How to install PHP on IIS Rumi, March 7, 2010 *Updated Recommendations – Please read the following instructions for running PHP fast and reliably* The FASTEST and EASIEST way to install PHP on IIS is using Microsoft’s Web Platform installer. It completely automates setting up IIS, FastCGI and the latest version of PHP from the site. To install it,… Continue Reading