Add a Static Route on CentOS Rumi, May 30, 2019 To add a temporary route: ip route add via dev eth0 To make it persist system or network settings restart, create a route-ifname file for an interface through which the subnet is accessed, in this case eth0: nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 Add the line with the network settings for the other subnet:… Continue Reading
Set Hostname in Centos 7 Rumi, May 11, 2019 CentOS 7 only allows Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN’s). Acceptable values include lower-case letters a to z, numbers 0 to 9, the period, and the hyphen, and between 2 and 63 characters. At the console, type: hostnamectl set-hostname NOTE: Replace with your chosen hostname. Check the Hostname hostnamectl Continue Reading
Install LAMP on Centos 7 with PHP 5.x/7.0/7.1/7.2 Rumi, March 10, 2019 In this tutorial, I use the hostname with the IP p These settings might differ for you, so you have to replace them where appropriate. I will add the EPEL repo here to install latest phpMyAdmin as follows: rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* yum -y install epel-release To edit files… Continue Reading
Install MariaDB on CentOS 7 Rumi, February 9, 2019 MariaDB is an open source relational database management system, backward compatible, binary drop-in replacement of MySQL. It is developed by some of the original developers of the MySQL and by many people in the community. With the release of CentOS 7, MySQL was replaced with MariaDB as the default database… Continue Reading
Vesta- How to set up master-slave DNS cluster Rumi, January 28, 2019January 28, 2019 If you are looking for the options to avoid any DNS-related downtime or the way to manage dns across all server you have, you might consider to set up dns cluster. Create user dns-cluster on a server which will be used as dns slave On the second server (slave) with… Continue Reading
Install Vesta Control Panel (vestacp) on Centos 7 with PHP-FPM and PHP 7.2 Rumi, January 28, 2019 I had few issues on my container and KVM on installing vestacp. Issues were like quite weird, such as- Post installation on KVM- it moved into emergency maintenance mode Post installation on LXC container- DNS resolution halted After hours and hours of search, found few root causes- I have to… Continue Reading
Configure iSCSI Initiator (client) in CentOS / RHEL 6 Rumi, October 30, 2018 To use RHEL/CentOS 6 system as an iSCSI initiator or client, you must have iscsi-initiator-utils package installed. You can verify that this is installed on your system using the rpm command, as shown in the following example: $ rpm -qa | grep iscsi-initiator-utils Install the package if its not already… Continue Reading
Add Multipath and connect to XFS system Rumi, October 30, 2018 Device Mapper Multipathing (DM-Multipath) is a native multipathing in Linux, Device Mapper Multipathing (DM-Multipath) can be used for Redundancy and to Improve the Performance. It aggregates or combines the multiple I/O paths between Servers and Storage, so it creates a single device at the OS Level. For example, Lets say… Continue Reading
Stateful Load Balancer with iptables and NAT Rumi, October 2, 2018October 2, 2018 Allow IP forwarding (Note: if your testing this on the same box your doing this on it won’t work, you need at least 3 machines to test this out, virtual ones work nicely) First we enable ipv4 forwarding or this will not work: # echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward XOR #… Continue Reading
Assign range of IP addresses to an interface Rumi, October 2, 2018 For example, you need to assign the IP range – to your eth0 interface. Create a range file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0 as below DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR_START= IPADDR_END= NETMASK= CLONENUM_START=1 ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet CLONENUM_START is the number that will be assigned to the first IP alias interface (eth0:1 in this example)…. Continue Reading