Load Balancing using Ldirectord on Linux (Apache) web server Rumi, November 23, 2017 For this setup, we need four nodes (two Apache nodes and two load balancer nodes) and five IP addresses: one for each node and one virtual IP address that will be shared by the load balancer nodes and used for incoming HTTP requests. I will use the following setup here: Apache node… Continue Reading
Load Balanced IIS behind ldirectord loadbalancer Rumi, February 25, 2013 Cluster Nodes Configurations (IIS6/7 Real Web Server Configuration) 1. Create text file by using Notepad and name it "check.txt" 2. Fill this file with "webserverisworking" string. 3. Move file to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" or anywhere your web files are. If you are using Windows XP/2003 IIS web server then you should do… Continue Reading