Before building a PPoE system, it is estimated to assume that we’re building it on the following principal and prerequisite conditions-
- It’ll be a NAT PPPoE router
- At least 2 Interface we’ll be needing- 1 for WAN/Internet/Uplink and the other for LAN/PPoE user.
- A reserved LAN IP for PPPoE server itself (other than the LAN IP)
- Disable DHCP service if it’s running
- Prefereably disable DNS Resolver and enable DNS forwarder
- As of this pfsense/Netgate tutorial is being written the version is 2.6
- A
For easy understanding here goes my mockup instace WAN and LAN IP-
- WAN IP-,
- PPoE Reserved IP-
- DNS-
- LAN port is connected to the LAN switch or alternativey you can connect it to your PC
- Assuming you have an operting pfsense using static IP endpoint and you can use internet using static gateway configuration.
So here goes the steps-
Step 1: Create and Configure PPPoE Server:
- Go to services > PPoE Server section and click on ADD
- On the PPPoE Server Configuration page do the followings-