Redhat/CentOS install PHP on NginX server as fastcgi Rumi, August 26, 2012 tep # 1: Enable EPEL repo ngnix is not included in the base system. Turn on EPEL repo to install nginx stable release: # rpm -Uvh$(uname -m)/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm Step # 2: Install ngnix Type the following command at a shell prompt: # yum install nginx Sample output: Loaded plugins: downloadonly,… Continue Reading
Enable Directory Listing in Nginx Webserver Rumi, October 1, 2011 Here is a simple way to enable directory listing in Nginx Webserver. I have a subdomain and i want to have ability to listing a directory. All we need to do just modify the vhosts or nginx.conf Add autoindex on; Please see the example below Example : #nano… Continue Reading
Nginx Virtualhost Example Rumi, October 1, 2011 Two Virtual Hosts, Serving Static Files http { index index.html; server { server_name; access_log logs/domain1.access.log main; root /var/www/; } server { server_name; access_log logs/domain2.access.log main; root /var/www/; } } Continue Reading