Install Collabora Online on Ubuntu 20 for Nextcloud Rumi, February 24, 2023 First, log in to your Ubuntu 20.04 server through SSH as the root user or any other user with sudo privileges: ssh root@IP_Address -p Port_number You will need to replace ‘IP_Address‘ and ‘Port_number‘ with your server’s respective IP address and SSH port number. Additionally, replace ‘root’ with the username of… Continue Reading
Setup HAProxy Load Balancer for MariaDB Galera Cluster Rumi, December 28, 2022December 28, 2022 If you check the above test scenario and try to create DBs on any of the nodes, you would see that the data would automatically sync between the nodes. Which means Availability is achieved. Now to achieve high availability we will use HaProxy as the loadbalancer. Set up another VM… Continue Reading
MariaDB Galera Cluster on Ubuntu 20 Rumi, December 28, 2022December 28, 2022 MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB with support for XtraDB/InnoDB storage engines. It has the following top features. It provides active-active multi-master topology You can read and write to any cluster node It has an automatic node joining Automatic membership control, failed nodes drop from the… Continue Reading
Install Discourse on Ubuntu 20.04 Rumi, November 14, 2022 Secure the Server Turn on automatic security updates. $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades Setup a firewall with ufw. $ sudo apt-get install ufw $ sudo ufw default allow outgoing $ sudo ufw default deny incoming $ sudo ufw allow 22 comment ‘SSH’ $ sudo ufw allow http comment ‘HTTP’ $ sudo… Continue Reading
Install phpIPAM on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 Rumi, December 25, 2021December 25, 2021 The objective of this guide is to help you Install and Configure phpIPAM on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 Linux distribution. phpIPAM is an open-source php-based web IP address management application (IPAM). Its goal is to provide light, modern and useful IP address management. phpIPAM uses MySQL database backend and jQuery libraries, Ajax and HTML5/CSS3… Continue Reading
Reset lost root password on Ubuntu 18.04/20.x Rumi, May 15, 2021 Boot Into GRUB menu The first step is to reboot into the GRUB menu. If Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver is the only operating system installed you need to keep pressing SHIFT for the GRUB menu to show up. Continue Reading
Install LAMP with PHP-FPM on Ubuntu 20 Rumi, April 4, 2021 Step 1 – Installing Apache Apache web server debian packages are available under the default repositories. Login to your Ubuntu system with sudo privileges account. Open a terminal and execute the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-fcgid The above commands will install Apache and FastCGI module… Continue Reading
Install LibreNMS Monitoring Tool with Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 Rumi, March 30, 2021March 30, 2021 First, it is recommended to update your system packages to the latest version. You can do it with the following command: apt-get update -y After updating all packages, install all the dependencies required for LibreNMS with the following command: apt-get install rrdtool whois fping imagemagick graphviz mtr-tiny nmap python3-mysqldb snmp… Continue Reading