Zextras Modern Theme for Zimbra web interface

First, you must register to get a download link: zextras-theme-zimbra-interface. Then, you will receive instructions for installing the new Zextras theme

For Ubuntu users

Download the package from your Zimbra server using the following command:

wget https://link-download-from-zextras/zextras-theme-ubuntu.tgz

Note: Change link-download-from-zextras with the link received in the email

Extract the package you have just downloaded with

tar xvf zextras-theme-ubuntu.tgz

Execute the installation

cd zextras-theme-installer && sudo ./install.sh

Apply a new theme with zmskindeploy to be sure

su - zimbra -c 'zmskindeploy /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/skins/zextras/'

Restart the Zimbra Web Application (mailboxd) manually with:

su - zimbra -c 'zmmailboxdctl restart'

For CentOs users

Download the package from your Zimbra server using the following command:

wget https://link-download-from-zextras/zextras-theme-centos.tgz

Note: Change link-download-from-zextras with the link received in the email

Extract the package you have just downloaded with

tar xvf zextras-theme-centos.tgz

Execute the installation

cd zextras-theme-installer && sudo ./install.sh

Apply a new theme with zmskindeploy to be sure

su - zimbra -c 'zmskindeploy /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/skins/zextras/'

Restart the Zimbra Web Application (mailboxd) manually with:

su - zimbra -c 'zmmailboxdctl restart'

Now the users will find Zextras Theme in the Preferences Area, under “Appearance”. To choose it, then simply have to select it and save it.

If you want to change the default login form like below:

su - zimbra
sed -i 's/harmony/zextras/g' /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/zimbra.web.xml.in
zmmailboxdctl restart

Restart the mailserver if the updates are not visible yet.


The new Zextras Theme for Zimbra web interface


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