Zimbra Domain Administration (Multi-tenant) Rumi, June 4, 2015 In order to create a multi tenancy in zimbra OSA, can be acheived through a bash script below. Thanks to Ahmad Imanuddin (http://www.imanudin.com) for sharing this very useful script. cd /srv/ vi admin-delegate.sh Fill with the following line : #!/bin/bash # $1 domain # $2 email zmprov ma $2 zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount TRUE zmprov ma $2 zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents cartBlancheUI zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents domainListView zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents accountListView zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents DLListView zmprov ma $2 zimbraDomainAdminMaxMailQuota 0 zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createAccount zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createAlias zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createCalendarResource zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createDistributionList zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +deleteAlias zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +listDomain zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +domainAdminRights zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +configureQuota zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 set.account.zimbraAccountStatus zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 set.account.sn zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 set.account.displayName zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 set.account.zimbraPasswordMustChange zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +deleteAccount zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +getAccountInfo zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +getAccountMembership zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +getMailboxInfo zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +listAccount zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +removeAccountAlias zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +renameAccount zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +setAccountPassword zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +viewAccountAdminUI zmprov grantRight account $2 usr $2 +configureQuota # Save and give execute access chmod +x /srv/admin-delegate.sh # Login as Zimbra user and execute the script su - zimbra cd /srv/ ./admin-delegate.sh domainname account-email example ./admin-delegate.sh imanudin.net ahmad@imanudin.net Administrations Configurations (Linux) Scripts zimbra
Since it is a by-pass solution on the community edition, it doesn’t allow a full administrative privileges! However, if you ever find a work around- plz share. 🙂
Thank you Rumi – this made my day 🙂 I was starting programming my own admin in php, but this is a much more elegant solution.