Zimbra Exporting all mail addresses

Exporting all addresses (mailboxes, aliases and distribution lists) is a vital tool if you have a backup MX and only want it to accept email for valid recipients. One reason for that is to stop spammers who simply use a dictionary of common names to generate recipient email addresses which would flood a backup MX with undeliverable email. Some anti-spam providers (e.g. Postini) have automatic provisioning processes for making this possible.

A naive process of extracting mailboxes looks like this:

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmaccts | grep 'active' | egrep -v '^\W+' | awk '{print $1}'

Unfortunately, this doesn’t give distribution lists and aliases, so a more sophisticated approach is necessary, for which there is no specific tool and requires using the ldap tool thus:

In ZCS 8.7 and above:

/opt/zimbra/common/bin/ldapsearch -LLL -x -D"`/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_userdn | \
 awk '{print $3}'`" -w"`/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password | \
 awk '{print $3}'`" -H `/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig ldap_url | \
 awk '{print $3}'` $* | \
 grep ^mail | \
 awk '{print $2}' | \
 sort > zimbra_recipients.list

In ZCS 8.6 or below:

/opt/zimbra/openldap/bin/ldapsearch -LLL -x -D"`/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_userdn | \
 awk '{print $3}'`" -w"`/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password | \
 awk '{print $3}'`" -H `/opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig ldap_url | \
 awk '{print $3}'` $* | \
 grep ^mail | \
 awk '{print $2}' | \
 sort > zimbra_recipients.list

If your backup MX is exim, then you need to add the following to the config file:

local_parts = /etc/exim/zimbra_valid_emails.list
domains = +relay_to_domains

The list of recipients needs to be converted to a form that exim will process, e.g.

sed -e 's/^/^/' -e 's/\./\\\./' -e 's/@.*$/$/' > exim_valid_emails.list < zimbra_recipients.list

Src: https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Exporting_all_addresses

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