Fixing Rainloop Can’t get message list error Rumi, April 29, 2019 For large mailbox when you have some mailbox having more than 100k mails in inbox, for those account you are getting error “Can’t get message list”. Here I got my fix, however can’t guarantee it works for you as well. My Rainloop version is 1.11.3. Following settings might help to… Continue Reading
Installing a Comodo SSL on Zimbra using CLI Rumi, April 14, 2019April 14, 2019 1. Get the bundle from Comodo in crt format, or sometimes like a zip file. 2. Place the bundle on your Zimbra mailbox server. You should receive, or download, the next files: AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt my_domain_com.crt or since comodo is acquired by Sectigo, the updated zip might appear as below: Continue Reading
Setup a Site to Site IPsec VPN With Strongswan and PreShared Key Authentication Rumi, March 25, 2019March 25, 2019 Today we will setup a Site to Site ipsec VPN with Strongswan, which will be configured with PreShared Key Authentication. After our tunnels are established, we will be able to reach the private ips over the vpn tunnels. Get the Dependencies: Update your repository indexes and install strongswan: $ apt… Continue Reading
Zimbra authentication without domain Rumi, March 20, 2019 In the admin interface go to Global Settings -> General Information -> Default domain and enter the name of your domain. Users in that domain can now login without the @domain part. Continue Reading
Endian IP Blocking Firewall Rule Rumi, March 14, 2019 You can make a general IP ban list. You need to go to Port forwarding / Destination NAT Create a new rule Click on the advanced mode Incoming IP: Type: Zone/VPN/Upllink. Select Uplink main – IP:All known. Incoming service port, Service: Any, Port: Any. In the Translate To section set… Continue Reading
Install LAMP on Centos 7 with PHP 5.x/7.0/7.1/7.2 Rumi, March 10, 2019 In this tutorial, I use the hostname with the IP p These settings might differ for you, so you have to replace them where appropriate. I will add the EPEL repo here to install latest phpMyAdmin as follows: rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* yum -y install epel-release To edit files… Continue Reading
Endian Community (3.x)- network configuration using CLI- Netwizard Rumi, February 20, 2019 After you login in you Endian Appliance, simply issue the following command: root@endian # netwizard You will be asked a couple of questions. If the network has already been configured, the current values are shown: simply press Enter if you want to keep that value. The snippet below shows some… Continue Reading
Endian Community (2.5.1)- Change the green IP address from console Rumi, February 18, 2019 Management URL: Green IP: —————– 0) Shell 1) Reboot 2) Change Root Password 3) Change Admin Password 4) Restore Factory Defaults Choice: 0[endian]: login root’s password: Welcome to Endian Firewall Appliance release 2.5-0 (Deployset #0) [endian] root: bash Continue Reading
Install Percona XtraDB Cluster for MySQL 5.7 on Debian 8 Rumi, February 18, 2019 First of all, why we choose three nodes and not only two? In any cluster, the number of nodes should be odd, so in the case of disconnection of a node, we assume that the highest group of servers has the fresh data, and should be replicated to the down node… Continue Reading
Configure Apache With Self-Signed TLS/SSL Certificate on Ubuntu 16.04 Rumi, February 10, 2019 Step 1: Generating the certificate First, let’s create a place to store the file. mkdir ~/certificates cd ~/certificates Generate CSR and private key. openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout apache.key -out apache.crt -days 365 -nodes It will ask for information for the certificate request. Complete with the appropriate information. Country… Continue Reading