Nagios LDAP Monitoring (works for icinga as well) Rumi, June 20, 2012June 20, 2012 on commands.cfg file define command { command_name check_ldaps command_line $USER1$/ -H -p 389 } on your <server.cfg> file- define service{ use generic-service ; template name, available by default host_name LDAP ; unique name… Continue Reading
Install Perl CPAN on CentOS troubleshooting Net::LDAP Rumi, June 20, 2012June 20, 2012 First we need to make sure our perl modules are all there and up to date. We can do this easily by Running perl -MCPAN -e –shell Let it run. Answer “no” when it asks about Manual configuration. Once it stops you'll be at the cpan prompt….type install Bundle::CPAN this will… Continue Reading
Installing NRPE For Icinga on Ubuntu 10.10 & CentOS 5.5 Rumi, June 11, 2012June 11, 2012 I currently have Icigna 1.2 (classic, web, and mobile) running on Ubuntu 10.10. I have a few other Linux servers that I would like to monitor as well. There is a good amount of information on installing Nagios and things to accompany it but Icigna documentation and blogs are fewer…. Continue Reading
Step by Step Zimbra 6.x installation on CetOS 5.x Rumi, June 11, 2012June 11, 2012 First you need to install a fresh CentOS operating system, keeping almost everything as default state. In this installation note I'm assuming few things- There is either a LARGE '/' partion or a LARGE '/opt' partition. Zimbra by default is installed on /opt directory I'm also assuming that the server… Continue Reading
Running Zimbra on HTTPS Rumi, June 11, 2012 1. First you need to su as 'zimbra' user 2. go to /opt/zimbra/bin/ 3. Use the following commands to enable SSL: ./zmtlsctl https ./zmcontrol restart Now it's working like a charm. For other readers: I can only access to webclient by SSL now (but that's ok for me). other options… Continue Reading
Setting up LDAP on Debian Distro Rumi, May 16, 2012May 16, 2012 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows central user, group, domain….. authentication, information storage … Using LDAP in a local network, you can allow your users to login and authenticate from anywhere on your network. This tutorial will be split in 2 parts. In the first part, I will explain how-to… Continue Reading
Group-Office installation on Debian 6.x Rumi, April 1, 2012April 1, 2012 I used the auto installation as guided by the group-office wiki. However, for conveniences, quoting the contents once again: Easy installation on a dedicated Debian or Ubuntu server This is the easiest way of installing Group-Office. With the debian packages everything is configured automatically and Group-Office updates will be installed… Continue Reading
Install Tomcat 6 in Debian Rumi, February 19, 2012 This article outlines a procedure for installing Tomcat 6 in Debian Lenny. Keep in mind that this does not include Apache 2 installation or integration. Apache must be installed separately and integrated to work with Tomcat. Add following line in sources list- nano /etc/apt/sources.list deb squeeze non-free Update… Continue Reading
Neighbour table overflow Rumi, February 10, 2012 If you have a big network with the hundreds of hosts you can expect “Neighbour table overflow” error which occurs in large networks when there are two many ARP requests which the server is not able to reply. For example you’re using server as a DHCP server, cable modems provisioning,… Continue Reading
OpenLDAP introduction Rumi, January 16, 2012 This document describes how to build, configure, and operate OpenLDAP Software to provide directory services. This includes details on how to configure and run the Standalone LDAP Daemon, slapd(8). It is intended for new and experienced administrators alike. This section provides a basic introduction to directory services and, in particular,… Continue Reading