Windows IP settings from old Windows network adapters after card replacement

After replacing an old motherboard with a new one, the NIC is different, has a new MAC address and generally needs a new TCP/IP configuration. However the old NIC is still somewhere there with its designated IP address and the rest.

Question: is it possible to retrieve those settings (most important is the static IP address) for an old network card that is no longer present in the system?


  1. Open run and type regedit
  2. Browse- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces]

You’ll find your card and their configuration settings.


Reboot Windows 10 using RDP

This article is for sysadmins who know better, wanting to Shut down or Restart (or even enter Sleep) over RDP anyway.

At left, user clicked on Start, Power, then has three choices. Using RDP at right, choices are rather limited.

Using Command Prompt

Open a Command Prompt

a. To initiate a Shut down, type:

shutdown /s /t 0

then press Enter

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Add SNMP to Windows Server- 2012

This step-by-step article describes how to configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Service in Windows Server 2012/2012R2. We will install SNMP service and configure SNMP security.

SNMP Service Installation

  1. Open Server Manager and then click Add Roles and Features.
  2. In Select Features, check the box next to SNMP Service.
  3. A dialog box appear to add all others required features, click Add Features.
  4. Click Next and then Install.
  5. SNMP Security Configuration
  6. Open Windows Services and locate service called SNMP Service then open service properties.
  7. Click on Security tab.In Accepted community names, click add to add the required community name and rights.
  8. Select Accept SNMP packets from these hosts option and then click Add to add Hostname, IP Address of the Monitoring Server.
  9. Click OK and then restart SNMP service.

You’re done.


Solving A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) on Windows RDP


Use the group policy settings changes described below to rollback the changes to ‘Vulnerable’ state to allow RDP access.

1. Open Group Policy Editor, by executing gpedit.msc

2. Policy path: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Credentials Delegation

Run gpedit.msc and expand Administrative Templates

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Using multiple gateways on Windows system

If Windows has multiple interfaces connected to several networks that use DHCP, it installs default gateways for all those interfaces.

By default, Windows sets the metric of the default gateways to the same, effectively leading to random selection of default gateway.

If you want to make Windows to select certain gateway always, you can change interface metrics for the interfaces’ configuration you don’t want to use:

  1. Go to your Network adapter properties.
  2. Select Internet Protocol v4.
  3. Click the Advanced button on General tab.
  4. Uncheck Automatic metric.
  5. Enter a number higher than 10 to the Interface metric field.
  6. The default automatic metric for interfaces is 10. The lower the metric, the higher the preference to use it.
  7. So, you have to enter metric higher than 10 for the interfaces you don’t want to use.

EDIT: These instructions are for Windows 7, XP might be different. You shouldn’t be using XP anyway.



Generate Large Test Files in Windows

Open an administrative level command prompt. 

Run the following command:

fsutil file createnew <file> <size in bytes>

For example, this command will create a 1GB file called 1gb.test on my desktop:

fsutil file createnew c:\users\steve\desktop\1gb.test 1073741824

The key is to input the size of the file in bytes so here are some common file sizes to save you from math:

1 MB = 1048576 bytes
100 MB = 104857600 bytes
1 GB = 1073741824 bytes
10 GB = 10737418240 bytes
100 GB =107374182400 bytes
1 TB = 1099511627776 bytes
10 TB =10995116277760 bytes

How to import a certificate into WorldClient

WorldClient’s web server currently does not support generating certificate requests. If you have IIS you can use its certificate wizard to create the request and import the response. WorldClient will then be able to use it. You do not need to continue to use IIS at that point, you can disable the service and continue to use WorldClient’s built-in webserver.

If you have purchased or otherwise generated a certificate from some source other than MDaemon, you can still use that certificate by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to import it into the certificate store that MDaemon uses.

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