Apache GuaCamole on Ubuntu 18 Rumi, November 10, 2023November 17, 2023 Install the following repository and packages- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install freerdp2-dev freerdp2-x11 Download file directly from here: wget https://git.io/fxZq5 -O guac-install.sh Make it executable: Continue Reading
Mount Oracle Object Storage to Ubuntu Linux Rumi, November 8, 2023 Step 1. Install s3fs on an OCI compute instance running Ubuntu SSH remotely into your Ubuntu server and run sudo apt update to update your system repository. Then type the command sudo apt install s3fs awscli -y to install S3fs on your system. To verify proper installation, run which s3fs and you should be… Continue Reading
imapsync Host2: says it has CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE LOGIN Rumi, November 8, 2023 Imapsync issues with passwords on Unix. Q. On Unix, some passwords contain some weird *()$,”;&~ characters. Login fails. R1. Enclose the password within single-quotes in the imapsync command line: imapsync … –password1 ‘passw*()`”$,;&rd~’ R2. Change the password to keep only f…ing normal character. Make it long and random if strong… Continue Reading
Upgrading PHP 7.2 to 7.4 for WHMCS on CentOS 7 Rumi, October 30, 2023October 30, 2023 Lately I needed an update of PHP (7.2 to 7.4) on my WHMCS CentOS 7 built box- here’re the process that I followed. But before that, I’m sharing my original post on setting up WHMCS on CentOS 7 Since I used remi repository to install version 7.2, I’ll be doing… Continue Reading
Delete files older than 10 days using shell command Rumi, October 28, 2023 find is the common tool for this kind of task : find ./my_dir -mtime +10 -type f -delete EXPLANATIONS ./my_dir your directory (replace with your own) -mtime +10 older than 10 days -type f only files -delete no surprise. Remove it to test your find filter before executing the whole command Src: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13489398/delete-files-older-than-10-days-using-shell-script-in-unix Continue Reading
Use Putty as SOCKS proxy Rumi, October 28, 2023 I’ll need 2 programs to achieve this, assuming you already have access to a Linux box and you can connect using putty client. Need S/w packages are- Putty and SeaMonkey Browser Follow the following steps- Run Putty Goto SSH > Tunnels and configure as required Turn Tick ON- Local port… Continue Reading
Recover web gui access of Elastic 2.4.0 Rumi, October 28, 2023October 28, 2023 Just in case if anyone still using the veeery old and legacy Elastix box (2.4.0) and forgot its web GUI console password, here’s the trick to get this sorted. /usr/bin/sqlite3 /var/www/db/acl.db “UPDATE acl_user SET md5_password = ‘`echo -n newpassword|md5sum|cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 1`’ WHERE name = ‘admin'” Voila! Continue Reading
Install Xen Orchestra on Ubuntu / Debian Rumi, September 23, 2023 Step 1: Update System Let’s start the installation by updating all the system packages: sudo apt update Also consider performing an upgrade: sudo apt upgrade -y Step 2: Install Node.js on Ubuntu / Debian Install dependencies. sudo apt install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg Import GPG repository keys: sudo mkdir -p… Continue Reading
Install Plex on CentOS 7 Rumi, September 15, 2023 Was just playing around. It’s a great home entertainment tool indeed. Method-1: Creating repository and using Yum To enable the Plex repository open your text editor and create a new YUM repository configuration file named plex.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory: [PlexRepo] name=PlexRepo baseurl=https://downloads.plex.tv/repo/rpm/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgkey=https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-keys/PlexSign.key gpgcheck=1 Method-2: Installation using RPM download… Continue Reading
Get rid of esm-apps while ubuntu updates Rumi, September 15, 2023 If you ever encounter similar issue like below- Get more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with ‘esm-apps’ enabled: libavformat58 libavfilter7 ffmpeg mc sntp libswresample3 lynx-common libzmq5 fail2ban mc-data redis lynx libpostproc55 ntp ntpdate libgsasl7 redis-tools cpanminus libavcodec58 libavutil56 libavdevice58 libswscale5 libsdl2-2.0-0 libmysofa1 redis-server libavresample4 And don’t like to be financially… Continue Reading