Install & configuration of Poppasswd server on CentOS 5.2 Rumi, December 7, 2008December 7, 2008 1. Download Poppassd Daemon for Centos 5 Distro from here- 2. Install using “rpm -U“ Continue Reading
Installing WINE on Centos Rumi, December 6, 2008 Wine is not installed by default using “Yum install win” Solution: You have to enable EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repo and install the packages: Continue Reading
Postfix With SASL SMTP-AUTH Rumi, December 2, 2008December 7, 2008 The updated post available at: Postfix With SMTP-AUTH And TLS Now we install Postfix and Dovecot (Dovecot will be our POP3/IMAP server): Continue Reading
A well formatted configs on Procmail, Postfix & Spamassassin Rumi, November 28, 2008December 7, 2008 In this article I’ve placed the all tiring process to configure procmail, postfix and spamassasin in a single place. Read my other article too for chmod and other things which are not included in this section. Enjoy! Continue Reading
Procmail, Spamassasin and Postfix integration using Webmin Rumi, November 27, 2008December 7, 2008 The updated post on the same topic available at – It’s a tedious task- but will try to explain bit by bit… Step-1 Updating Webmin (if you’re running below 1.41 Step-2 add the following to the postifix main.cfg file mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail Step-3 Come back to Virtualmin > Features… Continue Reading
Fail to start proftpd in CentOS Rumi, November 12, 2008 My ProFTPD was not starting at all even after removing and re-installing! Moved around few places. So, I investigated the followings- Checked whether some other FTP server was running without my conscent! The result came negative. Continue Reading
Installing Squish Rumi, November 9, 2008November 9, 2008 Well, install squint is quite simple! But installing squish is quite tricky- the document provided is not sufficient to cover few steps. I’ll try to summerize it (I’ve tested it on FC-5 distro)- Step -1 Make backup of your squid.conf for in case things go wrong. Install perl GD module…. Continue Reading
Squint and Squish 2 cute admin tool for Linux :) Rumi, November 9, 2008November 9, 2008 Well, Leading Edge Business Solution from South Africa- do created 2 excellent and to my view most essential tools for network administration to sniff users and warn them! Actually they run on linux environment with Squid Proxy server running on the network to serve clients (likely network clients). Continue Reading
mynetworks issue! Rumi, October 28, 2008 Need to allow the entire IPv-4 in postfix set-up? You should be crazy to do that 🙂 Anyway, here goes the net mask calculaitons, Continue Reading
Postfix 2.2.3 configured sample file Rumi, October 28, 2008 queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix command_directory = /usr/sbin daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix mail_owner = postfix myhostname = mydomain = myorigin = $mydomain inet_interfaces = all mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain, mail. $mydomain, www.$mydomain, ftp.$mydomain local_recipient_maps = unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550 mynetworks = #relay_domains = $mydestination #relayhost = $mydomain #relayhost… Continue Reading