Use case with Jibri Recorded content to push to cloud storage operators.
Rclone installation (Debian 10)
All below commands are executed as ‘root’. (I know!..)
apt update apt install curl -y curl | bash
Rclone is now installed. We need to find where rclone expects it’s config file:
rclone config file
Configuration file doesn’t exist, but rclone will use this path:
So we need to upload the file from our windows pc/laptop (C:\Users\[user]\.config\rclone\rclone.conf) to the location on the Jibri server (/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf). (I used WinSCP for this). After upload, we check once more to be sure rclone finds it’s config:
rclone config file
Rest you can select and start creating your own synching provider.
Configuration file is stored at:
To sync recorded files to our Google drive, we can run a command like:
rclone copy /srv/recordings/ -v --log file=/var/log/jitsi/jibri/googledrive_upload.log
Creating the Sync Script for Jibri recording:
We copy the rclone config file to a location where the jibri-user can read it (currently only ‘root’ can read the file):
rsync --recursive ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf /home/jibri/.config/rclone/
And then we create the upload script:
touch /etc/jitsi/jibri/ chmod +x /etc/jitsi/jibri/ nano /etc/jitsi/jibri/
Copy below text in the script:
#! /usr/bin/bash # Rclone can be invoked to upload local recording to a remote location at a cloud provider. /usr/bin/rclone copy /srv/recordings/ googledrive:[]/videos/ -v --log-file=/var/log/jitsi/jibri/jitsi_googledrive_upload.log
Run the script and check the log:
(log can be found at /var/log/jitsi/jibri/jitsi_googledrive_upload.log)
Setting Jibri to call our Script
Finally we make sure Jibri will finalize the recording by uploading our video to Google Drive:
nano /etc/jitsi/jibri/config.json
// The path to the script which will be run on completed recordings “finalize_recording_script_path”:
All should be good for automated immediate uploads when recording is finished!
Hlw sir great content.
My question can we download recorded video file after recording stop or can we send download link to meeting creator email address?
You can install a web server like nginx and point ur root directory to the recorded path. You can also write some bash to redirect with the recorded content or trigger an email with the download link
Hello, How are you?
Can you please guide me how to integrate Nextcloud to get recordings?
rclone config
n) New remote/remote.php/webdav/
name = MyNextcloudBackup
type = webdav
url = https://
vendor = nextcloud
user =
pass =
bearer_token = Remote config
This will encrypt the password so that it is not stored in plaintext.
rclone copy -P MyNextcloudBackup: /mnt/user/
If you leave blank then it will download all folder in your nextcloud account.
-P Will show you the progress of the copy job.