How to setup MRTG on Centos (RHEL) 4.x and 5.x? Rumi, February 9, 2010July 30, 2011 MRTG stands for "Multi Router Traffic Grapher", and it is a tool to monitor the traffic load on the network interfaces. It generates HTML pages containing PNG images which depicts visual representation of inbound and outbound traffic. MRTG is free software designed by Tobi Oetiker and is licensed under the… Continue Reading
How did I solve .mkv and .avi player in my Suse Rumi, February 7, 2010 Download the file and everything will be sorted out- Trust me! codecs-gnome Continue Reading
Howto add fonts on openSuSE 10.2 – how to install new fonts in SuSE 10.2 Rumi, January 24, 2010 On a SuSE 10.2 system – fonts are in: /usr/share/fonts/ Copy your new fonts into one of the already existing sub-folders depending on type of fonts to be added, then run in consol: /usr/sbin/fonts-config To finalize the activation of your newly installed fonts you need to restart your X-server Ctrl… Continue Reading
Bandarban Rumi, January 15, 2010January 15, 2010 Bandarban Hill District is the remotest and least populated district in Bangladesh. The lure of the tallest peaks of Bangladesh, treks through virgin forests and chance to meet more than 15 tribes of the region up close is growing both among Bangladeshis and tourists from other countries. Since the insurgency… Continue Reading
HTML Marque Lesson & PHP Snippet codes Rumi, January 10, 2010 I just got a link that can be added up!- Smal PHP codes can be added to sites- Continue Reading
Google public DNS Rumi, January 5, 2010 What is Google Public DNS? Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. To try it out: * Configure your network settings to use the IP addresses and as your DNS… Continue Reading
প্রাচীন জনপদের সন্ধানে Rumi, December 26, 2009 উয়ারী-বটেশ্বর নরসিংদী জেলার উয়ারী-বটেশ্বর বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসে প্রাচীন সভ্যতার এক অনন্য নজির। নরসিংদীর বেলাব থানা থেকে প্রায় তিন কিলোমিটার দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমে অবস্থিত দুটি গ্রামের নাম উয়ারী এবং বটেশ্বর। মধুপুরগড়ের পূর্ব সীমান্তে এ গ্রাম দুটির অবস্থান। কয়রা নামে পরিচিত একটি শুষ্ক নদী উয়ারী গ্রামের উত্তরদিকে পূর্ব থেকে পশ্চিমে এখনো দৃশ্যমান। এক সময় পাশ দিয়ে… Continue Reading
Microsoft Address: Bangladesh Rumi, December 22, 2009 Woo! It was too time consuming to get their Dhaka Office location. But finally google did find that out from a thrid party site instead of Microsoft!!!! Now you see why google is getting bigger than micros? Frustrating isn’t it- they just can’t manage to express their location in right… Continue Reading
The MRTG 2.16.2 Windows Installation Guide Rumi, December 22, 2009December 22, 2009 SYNOPSIS Installing MRTG on a Windows box is not quite as “click and point” as some might want it to be. But then again, it is not all that difficult if you follow the instructions below. My setup was MRTG 2.16.2 Perl PREREQUISITES To get MRTG to work on… Continue Reading