PowerDNS Cache dump in CSV Rumi, September 17, 2011 The objective is simple, a periodic cron cache dump of powerdns recursor on a setup. 1. create a shell code as below using nano- #nano /usr/local/bin/pdns-cache-dump.sh #!/bin/sh DAY=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d` TFILE="/var/log/pdns-cache/$(basename $0).$DAY.csv" rec_control dump-cache $TFILE echo "cache dump completed, dump script by rumi (hasan.emdad@mango.com.bd)" #chmod 0777 /usr/local/bin/pdns-cache-dump.sh 2. create directory to store the dump files #mkdir /var/log/pdns-cache #chown -R pdns-recursor /var/log/pdns-cache 3. Add it to CRON (you can use webmin for this) Go to Webmin's System > Schedule CRON Jobs > Create a new scheduled CRON job and add- Execute CRON as- root Active- Yes Command- /usr/local/bin/pdns-cache-dump.sh When to execute- Simple Schedule (Daily at midnight) Leave other parts as default "Save" It's done 🙂 Administrations Configurations (Linux) Debianpowerdns