vestacp open: /etc/named.conf: permission denied Rumi, August 1, 2022 This was the error I was getting after a doing a little change in the named.conf in my newly installed vesta control panel. While restarting the named, I was getting this error- [root@vesta2 ~]# systemctl status named.service ● named.service – Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS) Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service; enabled; vendor… Continue Reading
Build an openDNS recursive resolver DNS using Bind Rumi, December 18, 2021August 9, 2023 It’s a small thing, but someone might feel it to be useful of running a public DNS like google has You actually can build a recursive DNS and serve to the world (instead to your network user only! 🙂 ) Install Bind apt install bind9 bind9utils -y It’s pretty… Continue Reading
DNS Slave Using Virtualmin Rumi, July 19, 2019 DNS Slave Auto-Configuration Quickstart A quick guide to assist administrators who want to use Virtualmin’s automatic DNS slave configuration features. This allows for DNS server redundancy. Introduction Virtualmin can automatically manage any number of DNS slave servers for you. Once configured, it will create slave zones on other servers and… Continue Reading
DNS Forwarder and Transfer using Bind and Webmin Rumi, June 29, 2018 To point your BIND based DNS server to use OpenDNS resolvers for external resolution you need to modify the named.conf.options and add the OpenDNS resolvers as forwarders. This can be done in two ways: via the command line, Shell\SSH via a GUI if you have Webmin installed on your BIND server Shell\SSH… Continue Reading
Bind DNS Auto Slave Using Webmin Rumi, June 13, 2018June 13, 2018 The latest webmin has bug! In this tutorials I’m using webmin verison 1.801- that actually works. Don’t know if webmin team really knows are aware of the bug 🙁 So, let’s start. But before that, it’s assumed that you have webmin installed in both the servers. Configuring Webmin Server Continue Reading
BIND ACL to restrict zone trasfer with IP address Rumi, December 17, 2017 You need to define ACL in /etc/named.conf or /etc/bind/named.conf.local file. Let us say IP and are allowed to transfer your zones. # vi named.conf or vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local Here is sample entry for domain (ns1 configuration): acl trusted-servers {; //ns1; //ns2 }; zone “” { type… Continue Reading
Publishing long domain key SPF TXT records in bind9 Rumi, September 5, 2017 If your bind is throwing error with long TXT data, you can do the following means to concatenate: You are using commas to separate your key/value pairs in your record instead of semi-colons. Change it to: a9d04665528b593d263a6e5256648c99._domainkey IN 1800 TXT ( “k=rsa;p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAz2/ZfhxSI/A” “bqgh0amM8ylrlosirWeKShUhq7fg12aYmRwOqq9hIzO0Fcz1BzfgHVu6HU++rC5” “QoUK0JQK/nk4jwkDgvG2di2ZYmAvEbY/VeiK1x/TG0p1Iczr2k6Bj0gEAb/YGD2” “YbwrwAi4bDXwoPsYuuNn9TB3jjyWKu/dvOsqhff1/4Wc+FkOi0ClvgrXiklN28X” “TLjyjSyU794ntIoegXxrfwcwkhfPMvuqcnhfIC0Z8L71M4WR4SoHyNHVfBtNlUv” “VNROiXlMxtxnNQvfViSwz6LC8bYIxeAba3hSXPTChKu3qZtfR0o3jFwEWAfLQdg” “Ixler0jMEoAyJmfQIDAQAB”) Continue Reading
List all DNS records from a Nameserver using nslookup Rumi, March 27, 2017 Method-1) How to list all records below some domain name. Usually it’s done from interactive nslookup mode, not from batch mode nslookup – your_dns_server >set q=any >ls -d listing may be prohibited by administrator or by firewall settings, in that case you get empty output or ‘not implemented’ errors…. Continue Reading
Fixing Bind for Webmin Rumi, October 5, 2014 First get rid of bind-chroot (if it is installed!) yum -y remove bind-chroot edit /etc/sysconfig/named and remove/comment out any lines that look like ROOTDIR="/var/named/chroot" Fix the owner of /etc/named.conf with chown named:named /etc/named.conf In Webmin go to Servers > Bind DNS Server > Module Config and check the following configs Continue Reading