Install SmokePing on CentOS 7 Rumi, August 6, 2021August 7, 2021 This tutorial explains how to install Tobias Oetiker’s Smokeping into /opt/smokeping on a CentOS 7 box. Features of Smokeping: – Best of breed latency visualisation. – Interactive graph explorer. – Wide range of latency measurement plugins. – Master/Slave System for distributed measurement. – Highly configurable alerting system. – Live Latency… Continue Reading
Install ONLYOFFICE Document Server with Nginx on Debian 10 Rumi, August 1, 2021 Step 1 – Install Packages Dependencies In this first step, we will install some packages dependencies needed by the Document Server, including the RabbitMQ-server, Redis, and Nginx-extras. Update your Debian system repository and install Document Server packages dependencies using the apt command below. sudo apt update sudo apt install redis-server… Continue Reading
Install and Secure Redis on CentOS 7 Rumi, July 21, 2021 Step 1 – Install and Enable Remi Repository Firstly, we will add the Remi repository to the CentOS 7 system. The Remi repository provides the latest version of Redis package for our installation. Before adding the Remi repository, let’s install the EPEL repository and yum utility packages. sudo yum install… Continue Reading
Upgrade Debian 9 to Debian 10 Rumi, July 19, 2021 Update ALL existing installed packages Before you upgrade your Debian version to 10, you must apply all security patches and pending upgrades to Debian 9 itself Hence, Type the following apt command or apt-get command: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt –purge autoremove OR sudo… Continue Reading
Softether Auto Installer on CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu (Backward compatible edition) Rumi, April 17, 2021 Softether Auto Install Script for multi platforms updated version Softether VPN server latest version v4.27-9666-beta-2018.04.21 Revised to last known stable version due to compilation error from their latest release An open source VPN project from University of Tsukuba Japan Centos 6 or 7 x64 Debian 8 (jessie) (Not compatible for… Continue Reading
Configure DomainKeys- DKIM (OpenDKIM) with Postfix on CentOS 7 Rumi, March 31, 2021March 31, 2021 OpenDKIM is method to digitally sign & verify emails on the mail servers using public & private keys. In other words opendkim implements the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) standard for signing and verifying email messages on a per-domain basis. DomainKeys are implemented to reduce the chances of outgoing mails to… Continue Reading
Ping behind proxy using httping Rumi, March 5, 2021 You can use utility httping for that. It sends a HEAD request (by default) to a web server and measures the time it took to get a response. The utility is available through a number of repositories for different OS’es and Linux distros: Ubuntu: sudo apt install httping Alpine: sudo… Continue Reading
enable SNMP on Xen (XCP-NG) hypervisors Rumi, March 5, 2021 There are six steps to correctly configuring SNMP on your Citrix Xen hypervisor. These steps don’t require a system restart and are non-service affecting. To start, we assume you’re running Xen v6.x or v7.x, and are logged into the Xen CLI as root. 1. Enable the SNMP daemon Enable the… Continue Reading
How to find out the connected interface using linux command Rumi, October 26, 2020 Method 1 To find out the connected state of a network cable in Linux, just run: $ cat /sys/class/net/enp5s0/carrier Sample output: 1 If you got output as “1” (Number one), It means that the network cable is connected with the network card. Also, you can do this with the following command too:… Continue Reading
Install LAMP on CentOS 7 with PHP 5.4/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 Rumi, October 26, 2020 Preliminary Note In this tutorial, I use the hostname with the IP p These settings might differ for you, so you have to replace them where appropriate. I will add the EPEL repo here to install latest phpMyAdmin as follows: rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* yum -y install epel-release To edit files on… Continue Reading