Convert squid timestamps

When you work with a squid access log file you sometimes want to know when a site or resource was accessed. Squid does not store the date and time information for that in a human readable format.

It is stored as <unix timestamp>.<centisecond> so you can use a command like that to post-process to make it more readable for you:

cat access.log | perl -p -e 's/^([0-9]*)/"[".localtime($1)."]"/e'

Zimbra 8 on Ubuntu 14 with DKIM activation

Step 1 – connect to your server, get root privileges and install this package.

apt-get install libgmp10 libperl5.18 unzip pax sysstat sqlite3 dnsmasq wget

Configure hostname and DNS Server
In this tutorial will use the ‘dnsmasq’ resolving nameserver to speedup DNS lookups in Zimbra. Dnsmask has been installed as prerequisite in the first chapter, so we just have to configure it now:

Step 1 – Edit hostname and hosts

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Outlook settings for vestacp

Properly set up a Mail Client in Vesta Control Panel

  • You can use Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Outlook or Outlook Express
  • Use full e-mail address as username
  • IMAP and SMTP STARTTLS with normal passwords

Example Settings:

password: aXly8Kbiqo

IMAP hostname:
IMAP port: 143
IMAP auth method: Normal password
SMTP hostname:
SMTP port: 587
SMTP auth method: Normal password

Congratulations, you now have all set up!


Upgrade mysql 5.5 to 5.6 in Ubuntu 14

While I was installing idoit- the cmdb and IT documenting platform, struggling with a pre-requisite of having mysql version 5.6 which is not shipped by native in ubuntu 14 installations. So had to google it and found some solution, however the one that worked for me which I’m sharing below:

step 1 : remove old mysql

sudo apt-get remove mysql-server
sudo apt-get autoremove

step 2 : install new version of mysql

sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.6 mysql-client-core-5.6
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6

How to Monitor your Linux and Windows Servers with CloudStats

CloudStats is a server monitoring service which allows you to monitor your whole server infrastructure from a single dashboard interface and helps timely to prevent any kind of technical issues and downtimes. With CloudStats it is possible to monitor Linux servers, including those on CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu etc.

CloudStats server monitoring Agent collects data about all key server metrics such as CPU, RAM and disk space usage, as well as a status of networks, processes, URLs or IPs. This information will be kept and displayed in your CloudStats account interface.

Almost every user can easily setup and run CloudStats without any special skills or knowledge.

Here is an instruction of how to perform Linux server monitoring using CloudStats.

1. Go to sign-up page and create a new account by adding your “Subdomain” name, it could be anything like your company name or website name (in our example – ‘ravisaive‘).

2. In the CloudStats online interface you can add your server for monitoring. To add new server click on the green button “Add New Monitor” and select “Add New Server”.

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Creating Nginx Virtual Hosts

Step One— Create a New Directory

The first step in creating a virtual host is to a create a directory where we will keep the new website’s information. This location will be your Document Root in the nginx virtual configuration file later on. By adding a -p to the line of code, the command automatically generates all the parents for the new directory.

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/

You will need to designate an actual DNS approved domain, or an IP address, to test that a virtual host is working. In this tutorial we will use as a placeholder for a correct domain name.

However, should you want to use an unapproved domain name to test the process you will find information on how to make it work on your local computer in Step Six.

Step Two—Grant Permissions

We need to grant ownership of the directory to the right user, instead of just keeping it on the root system. You can replace the “www-data” below with the appropriate username.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/

Additionally, it is important to make sure that everyone is able to read our new files.

sudo chmod 755 /var/www

Now you are all done with permissions.

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Configure DHCP Server Step-by-Step config Guide Using Webmin

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client/server protocol that automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related configuration information such as the subnet mask and default gateway.

In our previous article, you have setup your DNS Server using Webmin, refer below link for more information.

In this article We will seen how to configure DHCP Server Using Webmin(web-based interface). Webmin tool offer to new system administrators to perform all system management task from via a web browser, Instead of using the command line console or terminal. You can also manage a system from the console or remotely.

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Install PSiTransfer on Debian 8 A Simple Open Source Self-hosted File Sharing Solution

PSiTransfer, which is a simple and open source file sharing utility. Using PSiTransfer, we can either share our files locally or globally. Unlike, it is not a website. It is actually a self-hosted file sharing platform. You can deploy it on home system to share files over local area network. Or, you can deploy it on a VPS or Cloud, so that you can access or share your files from anywhere, using any Internet-enabled device. Since, it comes with built-in web server, you don’t need to deploy any other extra software. All you need is a web browser to access or share your stuffs.

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Simple way to tune apache performance using mpm prefork module

There could be many reasons why your website performance is poor, one of them can possibly be that Apache is not coping with the load. Below you’ll find ready to consume configuration to make Apache performance better using the Apache MPM prefork module.

To do this, just include the below lines into your httpd.conf apache configuration file:

<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
 StartServers 2
 MinSpareServers 2
 MaxSpareServers 5
 MaxClients 200 #must be customized
 ServerLimit 200 #must be customized
 MaxRequestsPerChild 100

KeepAlive Off

Some explanations are here:

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Install And Configure Varnish Cache With Apache On Debian 7

Varnish Cache is a web accelerator, sometimes referred to as a HTTP accelerator or a reverse HTTP proxy, that will significantly enhance your web performance.

Varnish speeds up a website by storing a copy of the page served by the web server the first time a user visits that page. The next time a user requests the same page, Varnish will serve the copy instead of requesting the page from the web server.

This means that your web server needs to handle less traffic and your website’s performance and scalability go through the roof. Varnish cache will increase the delivery of your web content by 80 % or more, depending on your architecture.

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